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Referred back pain - where did it strike you?
« on: November 05, 2013, 08:11:54 AM »
I have picked up from a number of threads that whilst referred knee pain is pretty common (my knee surgeon thought mine was referred and then found both my hip and keee were shot - lucky me  ;D) others experience referred back pain.

My left hip is easily the worst of the two and from time to time I get a nasty pain midway up the side of my ribs, again on the left.

Just wanted to check what others experienced, to gauge if this is likely to be referred pain or something else to look into


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Re: Referred back pain - where did it strike you?
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2013, 09:36:45 AM »
I never had anything up there. I was, however,  misdiagnosed with sciatica. I think that is considered back pain, and so perhaps part of the referenced referred back pain were situations like mine, that were misdiagnosed as sciatica.

My pain started somewhere around the hip, shot down the outside of the thigh and down into the knee.

I did have plenty of lower back pain, but I attribute that to inactivity and a weak core (both a result of limiting my activites due to arthritis pain). I also had a lot of upper back pain that was also related to inactivity; I wouldn't do anything physical for weeks, then go out and aggressively swing a golf club. Blammo! Major upper back pain that was so bad I thought it could be nerve related.

Anyway, just thought I'd chime in, though I doubt this is super-helpful for you.

RHR April 2012.
LHR March 2014.

Both Biomet Magnum/Recap 54/48, by Dr. Thomas Gross.


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Re: Referred back pain - where did it strike you?
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2013, 11:27:32 AM »
I have definitely expereinced back pain associated with my OA. In fact, prior to my surgery my whole right side was "jacked up" :)  I was having pain from the shoulder, down to the low back and into the knee. Once the surgery was completed my back pain went away. I do stull have some knee tenderness, but I think my tight IT band is causing that. My massage therapist was amazed at how quickly the back muscles finally relaxed once my hip was realigned correctly. In my left side (surgery scheduled in 5 weeks) I am again experiencing back pain (but no knee pain).

It definitely is one of the symptoms of hip OA.
Right resurfacing, Dr. Gross, 7/11/13
Left resurfacing, Dr. Gross, 12/11/13


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Re: Referred back pain - where did it strike you?
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2013, 06:47:29 PM »
The Physiatrist I went to recommended a steroid shot in the hip as a diagnostic measure. If the pains go away after the injection then you know they were referred pain from the hip. In my case it was lower back and knee pain and a groin-pull sensation, all of which eased up.
I know that the subject of steroid shots is controversial and not popular with everyone but in my case it proved that the hip was the problem.
BioMet Left Hip Resurfacing, Dr. Gross, 07/2013


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Re: Referred back pain - where did it strike you?
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2013, 03:26:20 PM »
Have had lower back pain for years on the right hand side. Progressively worse over the years and more so in the last year as my right hip has deteriorated. Come the 11th November when I have my RBHR performed hoping this spells an end to my back pain. Initially mild back pain,lack of flexibility, became mild groin pain, sciatica , pain on the outside of hip, through the hip to the outside of the knee and shooting pains down from the hip joint. I am sure it's all related to my dodgy hip
RBHR 11/11/13 by Stephen McMahon @
The Avenue Hospital Melbourne Australia


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Re: Referred back pain - where did it strike you?
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2013, 04:35:51 PM »
Oh yeah, forgot to mention (because I literally had forgotten) that my lower back on the bad-hip side used to occasionally get very sore with the muscles all knotted up. Sure it was related to the hip. Went away post-surgery.
RHR April 2012.
LHR March 2014.

Both Biomet Magnum/Recap 54/48, by Dr. Thomas Gross.



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