Hey all, just wanted to check in and let you know how things are going. 5 yrs ago I had a bi-lateral resurfacing skillfully done by Dr. Scott Ball in San Diego at UCSD in California. Well that was a great day for me as I began to get my life back. 8 yrs prior to surgery life started to become crappy due to pain and all the activities that I enjoyed were being eliminated one by one. I was grumpy with everyone and everything. I got to the point where I could barely walk anymore. Yes it was that bad. It sucked. After surgery and my rehab I started to do those activities I loved so much in life. Surfing, windsurfing, snowboarding, ice skating, roller hockey, hiking, golfing, and just chasing my kids around cause I could. Looking back at recovery the first 8 days were the toughest and then day by day it got better and better and I got stronger and stronger. I went back to work (heavy construction) 11 weeks post op and continue to work with no problems. Lucky me I got the Depuy ASR implants that have been recalled, sweet. Oh well rather than dwell on that I make sure I get my blood tests done every yr and my last results this yr were chromium 1.1 colbalt 1.0, those are low #s for metal and I feel at ease because of that. My Dr. placed the implants at the proper angles and placements were done correctly, and this is why I believe that I have had no problems. Good luck to all you future and current hippies. I wanted to let you all know that this surgery was a huge success for me, and I couldn't be happier. I want to thank Pat, Chuck, and all those who answered my questions before and after surgery. You all made my decisions so much easier and my knowledge far greater and I will forever be thankful to you and for you. Thanks for reading. P.S. B.I.L.L. hurry up and get your recovery and rehab done so we can go SURF.