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I'm a Hippy
« on: June 13, 2008, 05:47:14 AM »
I am 38 yrs old and was diagnosed with OA in my left hip approx. 2 yrs ago. In 10 days (6/23/08) I will be going under the knife in Columbia,SC with the skilled Hip resurfacing Dr. Gross. I moved from NYC to Myrtle Beach,SC 10 yrs ago and one of my main worries were if I ever needed major medical care I'd have to head back North. Who would have guessed one of the best surgeons in the country is less than 3 hrs away. Like many others my local ortho. said live with the pain as long as possible, that I would out live my hip replacement, require another at some point and of course never offered an alternative.
Thank you Pat for shining the light on my life and introducing me to Hip Resurfacing. I will certainly keep a detailed journal of my recovery including short videos and pictures. This site is addicting and I never tire of reading new stories.
So far my only pre surgery conflict is I am anemic. Taking an Iron supplement (Repliva) has not helped and has really upset my bowel regularity if you know what I mean. Tomorrow I start injections of procrit. Being somewhat of a pro with needles (INVITRO X2) has helped keep me calm. I am sure others whom have never given themselves an injection would be quite nervous.
Wish me luck and Prayers work great too...

Lisa D soon to be a Surface Hippy!!!!!!
« Last Edit: June 25, 2008, 04:56:30 PM by CITY2SOUTH »
Lisa Uncemented/Biomet/Gross/ 6-23-08

Pat Walter

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Re: Becoming a Hippy
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2008, 08:36:22 AM »
Hi Lisa

Dr. Gross is a great surgeon - you will be in good hands with him and Lee and his staff.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Many have gone before you and they have regained their lives back.  Your story will be a new chapter in the hip resurfacing chronicles.

I am glad you are able to treat your anemea ahead of time.  Needles can be a fear for many people.  I was a bit timid about poking those little ones into my stomach for my heprin shots.  It did not hurt that much, but it is mind over matter!!!

You are very lucky to be so close to Dr. Gross. 

I look forward to hearing about your surgery and to continue to read your story.  Also will love to have some videos and pictures.  I will post it all for you.

Keep in touch and keep dreaming of having a painfree hip!!  You are very young and need to get back on track to an active life!!!!

Best of Luck.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: Becoming a Hippy
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2008, 07:39:37 PM »

You are so dedicated to this site and thank you so much for the prayers and well wishes...After a small arguement with my Insurance Co. about approving the procrit my rx bill went from $1500. to $100. Glad I put up a fight instead of just settling...I just gave myself the 1st of 3 injections that hopefully will keep me from needing a blood transfusion. I'll update as surgery day approaches..Maybe I'll get my husband to take a video of my gangster hip hop walk while I still have it...lol...Lisa
Lisa Uncemented/Biomet/Gross/ 6-23-08


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Re: Becoming a Hippy
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2008, 01:12:07 AM »
Well one week to go and I woke up at 5am nauseous, thinking at this time next week they will be rolling me down the hallway to the operating room...
For some reason I invison the movie SAW at the same time.(All that cutting/screaming and blood)..
One week, just one week to go and I'm whimping out. Now it's 1am the following day and I'm still nauseous. I've felt sick all day just thinking about surgery...I'll get through this I know but for now I will just be nauseous....ugh.. I might need some dramamine tomorrow if this keeps up...GET ME THROUGH THE WEEK!!!!!
Lisa Uncemented/Biomet/Gross/ 6-23-08


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Re: Becoming a Hippy
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2008, 08:36:30 AM »
Is this my UPS buddy? Are you going to Dr. Gross?
Dr. Thomas Gross
Left 6/23/08  Right 6/25/08

Pat Walter

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Re: Becoming a Hippy
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2008, 10:57:48 AM »
Hi Lisa

Why don't you ask or family doctor for some compazine or something for nausea.  I had to have it to fly to Belgium since flying often makes me really sick.  Maybe just a call to his office will get them to call a prescirption in for you.  Some doctors are good about that.

A lot of us have already gone thru surgery and we did fine. I told them in the hospital that I get really nauseated easily - be sure to give me something. They did and I never got sick in the hospital.

You really need to tell the doctors and staff what problems you are having - mental nervousness or nausea.  They have meds to help in most cases.  They understand that you are nervous.

I will keep you in my thoughts.

Good Luck.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: Becoming a Hippy
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2008, 11:11:49 AM »
Yes  XOCY  - it's your UPS buddy.....I have appt. this Friday for pre-admission information with Dr. Gross. Then we are heading over to the hospital for more pre-admission fun. We will drive up for the day and then  back late Sunday to get ready for my 6:00am Monday morning hip resurfacing. Yippie....No Pain No Pain No Pain......ahhhhhh. I'm sure to see you kicking and screaming at some point next week...see ya, Lisa


I did tell nurse about nervousness and actually have a script for compazine from our last cruise...Good Idea!.. I shoot the nurse an email to inform her...Thanks for your help. Lisa
Lisa Uncemented/Biomet/Gross/ 6-23-08


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Re: Becoming a Hippy
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2008, 11:17:11 AM »
I'd say take something for the anxiety and check to see if you have pernicious anemia which I have and did not know I had and felt lousy all the time for a couple years. B12 injections changed that. The surgery is really not that bad, I even went back after 4 months and had my other hip done. Stop thinking about blood and guts, imagine birds and puppies or something else relaxing like Hawaiian beaches.


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Re: Becoming a Hippy
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2008, 01:09:53 PM »

How did you get diagnosed with pernicious anemia? I guess the images of blood and guts is because I watched my Dr. perform HR on his website and didn't stop there, I looked it up on u tube and got to see plenty there as well. I over research everything...As far as visions of puppies and birds all I could think of was Cujo and The Birds (movie)..lol....Now the Hawaiian Beach sounds lovely until the Volcano erupts....Gosh I sound like a hypochontriac......ok ok..think happy thoughts....So how severe is the pain really?????
Lisa Uncemented/Biomet/Gross/ 6-23-08

Elaine Y.

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Re: Becoming a Hippy
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2008, 03:04:59 PM »
Hi Lisa,

I wanted to put my 2 cents in here. I, too, researched too much and watched a hip resurfacing on the web. Sometimes too much information is not very good. I was super hyped Sunday and Monday before my Tuesday, 1/22/08, surgery. I know exactly what you are going through. The morning of surgery there was a terrible snowstorm in our area. We started out for the hospital in plenty of time, but due to traffic and snow, I was 2 hours late. I kept calling the hospital, because I didn't want them canceling on me after what I had been going through the last 2 days. I just wanted to be out of the pain. My biggest fear was that I might wake up during the surgery and not be under the blissfulness of the anesthesia (I'm sure you heard the stories).

Of course, all of my anxiety was for nothing. It was actually a very uneventful experience. I got to the hospital and everything was running behind that a.m. due to the snowstorm. I was prepped and hardly had a wait time to be anxious. I was given Versad (which is known as the "amnesia" drug due to not remember a thing, which I didn't). The last thing I remember was being wheeled to the door of the hallway leading to the operating room and the next thing I remember is Orlando (not Bloom, unfortunately) telling me it was over and I was going in recovery, put down my legs, and yes I had the resurfacing. I was not in much pain, but the person next to me was and she let everyone know it (she had a knee replacement, though). And, the pain is so different than what I was experiencing beforehand and knowing that this would be the worst it got, which truly was not bad at all... maybe a 3 at most. The pain postsurgery for me was very livable. I did have a pain pump, which was nice to have.

Lisa, really totally believe everyone on this site about the pain... it is so much different than what you are experiencing right now and just knowing that it will get better day by day, makes it all the more tolerable. Right now being 21 weeks postsurgery and back to living my life like I want to... it was all worth it, totally worth it, the surgery, the recovery process, everything. I would not hesitate to tell someone to have the hip resurfacing and get on with living.

Lisa, it's OK to be nervous and all. Sorry about the nausea... I was just experiencing anxiety. It will all be worth it in the end. Keep us all posted on the outcome... we know you will be happy -- Good Luck and Happy Recovery, and talk to ya on the "other side."

Elaine Y.
RBHR -- 1/22/08 -- Dr. Eugene Lopez


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Re: Becoming a Hippy
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2008, 09:41:03 PM »

I've had two BHR's in the last 6 months (fortunately, I waited until after the second to watch the procedure online).  Probably the best insight I can provide is that the first one went so well, including very manageable pain (throbbing from swelling, not incision-related pain), that actually looked forward to the second, knowing that I would feel immediate relief from the pain of bone grinding on bone.  I am so glad I did this.

Good luck!



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Re: Becoming a Hippy
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2008, 10:44:28 AM »

Re: Pernicious Anemia. I had a routine blood test and my red blood platelet size was bigger than it should have been and my homocystine level was through the roof, which is not good, and makes you stroke prone. My Dr. noticed this and tested me for what's called "the intrinsic factor" in my blood. I didn't have it. It's the enzyme that allows you to absorb the B12 in meat and whatever else contains B12. Without the intrinsic factor you could chow down on meat all day and not absorb any B12. I give myself a shot of one half of 1CC of B12 twice a month and the difference is astounding- especially at first when your B12 level is in the toilet. PA is pretty rare so the chances you have it are slim but it's worth checking and I'd have to say that a shot of B12 probably wouldn't be a bad thing for anyone once in awhile over the age of 40. Don't get me started on the video thing. My brother sent me a link to a BHR surgery before my first and I thought about watching it  but knew myself well enough that it would make me anxious so I have yet to watch it. I think I'll wait another couple months till I'm well recovered from my second surgery. As far as the pain goes, it's nothing compared with what you are living with and the meds they give you really help, unlike the pain we've had from OA which at least in my case was untouchable with OTC meds. The first 24 hours are hardest but do-able, in fact, some people have very little pain at all. I think it depends a lot on the expertise of your surgeon as to how much pain you have, also your age I guess and what kind of shape you're in. I'm 59 and not real stoic about pain so if it had been horrible I'd say so- and it wasn't. The best part is, here I am 5 weeks post op and I'm walking around  pain free. Some discomfort and stiffness when I sit too long typing like this but nothing compared to the hell of not being able to do anything physical before the surgery. Don't think too much. I'm a psychologist by profession and my impression is that if you go and buy a book on thought stopping techniques you could master the technique quickly and be better able to deal with all of this. Sure it's major surgery but it's not that major and if you are in good physical shape and have someone to take care of you for a couple weeks you'll be fine. Good luck.


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Re: I'm a Hippy
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2008, 09:05:13 AM »
Since these boards can get so confusing to ME, I'll be updating in my other topic under hip stories "I am now a Surface Hippy".
Lisa Uncemented/Biomet/Gross/ 6-23-08



Cleveland Clinic Hip Resurfacing Center

Dr. Pritchett Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 10,000 hip resurfacings

Dr. Gross of SC Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 6000 hip resurfacings

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