The Eagle has Landed !
Surgery was successful and I am now an official surface hippy.
I reported to the pre-admission center at 5:30 am Monday morning. Luckily I do not live too far away about 30-40 minutes. Needless to say my wife was not completely overjoyed with the time, however she was quite unwilling to entertain my offer to take the train

We waited until about 8:00 before they took me back and started preping for surgery (shave the leg, rub the orange stuff on it, etc,etc). Incidently, they shaved almost the entire leg, however left about 12" of hair above the ankle so I now look like I am wearing a tube sock, great look for summer I guess. I was in surgery by around 9:30, anesthesia went well and I was a little surprised that I was more excited than nervous (kind of like the anticipation of going on a roller coaster) I "awoke" around 11:00 and soon thereafter found out that everything went great. It took a while though to be released to my hospital room because my body temp was way down (I didn't feel cold though). Anyway I do not think my wife finally got to see me untiil about 3:00 pm. I truely believe she got the worse end of the bargain, I much prefered to be me than her on that day. God Bless my wife

They tried getting me out of bed that evening, I made it to the chair (about 6 feet) where I got dizzie and was about to lose my chicken broth (I thought of Dev, fellow surface hippy) Even after that pitiful display they wanted to "fast track" me. It took two more tries on Tuesday and I was cleared to leave.
I came home around 9:00 pm Tuesday evening but foolishly declined the pain killers from the hospital before I left. I think that I was warned about that on this site which makes me double stupid. Recovery so far is going well I think. I am swollen, walking on two cruthches but trying to put full weight on the new hip. Thanks to everyone on this site I have a good idea what to expect and I am not discouraged with the muscle soreness / weakness and I know that each day it will get better.
My decision now is to set some goal for my recovery (I am a goal oriented type of guy, no pun intended Dirk / John). I am thinking about a bike ride in Septemebr which I did a couple of years ago called the "Savage Century" It was a beautiful ride and you do not need to do all 100 miles. My hockey season also starts in late Septemebr, but I doubt I would be cleared to play in 3 months so I will have to figure something else out for hockey. Any suggestions ?
If any of you endured to read this far, I wanted to sincerely thank you all who have offered your experience and especially your well wishes for me and I hope for your continued healing.
P.S. City2South, congratulations on your new hip and thanks for informing me that it was the morphine that made me itchy after surgery