I am a 50 year old male, quite active and in good shape physically, who developed OA several years back in both hips. In November of 2007, I had my left hip resurfaced using the BHR. All has gone well in my mind and in the mind of my surgeon..with one exception.
I have since day one experienced what I call a "shifting" sensation in the operative hip. I think that I recognize on "surface hippy" others calling it a "clunking" sensation. It feels to me like the 2 major parts of the prosthesis slide (like tectonic plates!) or shift. In fact, to me it feels exactly like the "bone-on-bone" slipping/friction/clunking that I experienced on the bad hip (fortunately, without the pain) before I finally had it resurfaced. It feels eerily like bone on bone! The shifting or clunking happens randomly. It could be when I'm stretching, bending over, turning or shifting body weight. Sometimes, when I'm standing still, it will "shift" and my leg will move noticably, sort of pivoting out.
The good news is that I feel absolutely no pain, my range of motion seems to be quite good and the shifting/clunking does not prevent me from doing anything at all that I want to do. I was before, and quickly returned to, daily rigorous exercise of cardio equipment, weight-lifting and swimming. I walk very comfortably--like I used to before I developed OA. This feeling is distracting at the very least. Far more importantly in my mind, however, is the nagging concern that I have that there's something wrong with the prosthesis, I will develop premature wear and tear or damage myself in some that will result in the need for a revsion. It just doesn't feel right though it is not hindering my lifestyle at all.
My surgeon has always admitted (to his credit) that he's not sure what is causing this phenomenon but thinks possibly that it results from the trauma of the muscles ("cap") over the hip joint which in his mind would eventually heal and the sensation would go away. He believed it would cease after 3 months; then 6 months, etc. It's now been almost 8 months and the "shifting/clunking" is still there and in fact is more pronnounced now than in the beginning of my post-op period. He believes that my xrays show the new hip to be perfectly positioned and looking exactly as it should and that the bone has fully grown around the acetabular metal cup. His office checked with Smith and Nephew who apparently reported no other cases like mine (surprising??) in the U.S. but three cases in Australia (what about in Europe, I'm wondering?). At this point, my surgeon has no other action steps or guidance to offer me.
What is the cause of this? What are the consequences if any? What if anything else can be investigated or done? Do I simply have to live with this? Should I be very concerned or not at all?
I am hoping to have my other hip done within the next six months. What would you do if you were in my shoes? Have another resurfacing? Will the same thing happen with my next hip?
Any insights or experience that you can share and advice going forward would be enormously appreciated.