Thanks for the replies. I have been emailing back and forth with Lee, who is very wonderful. At first, they were very encouraging, saying that things were progressing on schedule, and would continue to get better with time. In the last couple of emails, Lee said that she thought that the pain was from fascia rubbing over the greater trochanter, that it might be related to my being slender, and that it would improve with time. She encouraged me to start pool work as soon as the scabbing has cleared up, which I hope to start in the next few days. She also asked me to send in an x-ray to be sure that everything is in place, which I have not heard back about yet.
I have concluded a couple of things. My gluteus medius and minimus are barely firing, if at all, which is why I cannot stand or walk on that leg without crutches. I have lost most of the ability to abduct my leg from either a lying or standing position. With Lee's blessing, I have broken from their standard protocol, and started seeing some friends who are excellent PTs, and have started some specific exercises to try to bring back these muscles. When I do try to put more weight on that leg when I walk with crutches, I can get up to about 90% weight bearing at a very slow stride, but after about two hundred yards, the burning pain over the trochanter gets bad enough that I have to turn back. Even a few weight shifting exercises to get most of my weight on that leg, fires the trochanter pain up so that it becomes very painful to flex the hip, for example to try to sit down or get up. Almost four weeks now, with not much progress in weight bearing, which is a little discouraging.
Lee has been very good about responding and offering encouragement and advice, but I would be very happy to hear from anyone who has been through similar experiences, and came out with a good solution.