Thanks for all the encouragement. It's now Sunday and I'm home, resting comfortably, after having the BHR done on Thursday. I would have posted sooner, but had no blackberry signal in my hospital room!
The first day was the best so far. Hospitals really know how to manage pain for surgery these days. I met everyone in pre-op, went to the OR, talked to the anesthesiologist, and next thing I know, I woke up in the recovery room feeling 100% normal and coherent.
I must admit, day 2 was less comfortable, as the epidural and nerve blockers went away. I still made it around on a walker. Day 3 was crutches, which were fine, but I still had trouble (and pain) trying to lift my leg up onto the bed. Plus, sliding onto the bed gave me a burning sensation in the incision. (Those who have had it done probably remember this well, those who haven't yet should know it's uncomfortable but bearable!) Sitting up on the edge of the bed on days 1-2 was rough because my whole right thigh felt like one big tender bruise. (OK, it *was* one big tender bruise!) But sitting up today is more comfortable and feels better. Walking is easy; sitting down and getting up are very slow. Lifting my right leg up is still a no-go. I hope it improves as the muscles heal. I'm much more comfortable relaxing at home now!
Dr Su at HSS was great. He stopped by each day, and called on the weekend days when he was off-duty. The rest of the staff was great too, although I had about 20 different drs, nurses, PT aides, assistants, etc., and few repeat visits from the same person! BTW, the doc said I had no cartilage left in my hip joint, which was surprising as I was still doing a fair amount ofwalking and stairs every day.
I'm glad Igot it over with quickly, and will probably feel much better when the initial soreness fades. Tomorrow marks one week since I initially visited Dr Su's office for a consult, and I'm already on the road to recovery.
I hope everyone else's experiences here go as well as mine did. Good luck and thanks for the great info! I'll continue to read and post, of course.