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Doctor Barba in Rockford, Illinois
« on: July 23, 2007, 10:24:21 PM »
Has anyone heard of Dr. Mark Barba?  He is supposed to be one of the original doctors in the US to do the BHR.  Any feedback?


Pat Walter

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Re: Doctor Barba in Rockford, Illinois
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2007, 07:15:16 AM »
Hi Karen

I have heard of him and know some people on the large Yahoo Surface Hippy Discussion Group have jused him.  I don't know how many hip resurfacings he has done.

Why don't you ask him.  Also ask for patient references and talk to some of his patients that have had hip resurfacing.  That is always a good thing to do.  Talk to people that have used the doctor and are happy with their surgery and new hip.

I think I need to add that to the list of questions to ask a doctor - Ask for patient references.

You might want to ask on the large Yahoo Discussion Group if anyone has used him or use the search function.  Unfortunately, the Yahoo Search function does not work very well normally.  That is one reason I don't like the large group and started my website to post information so it can be categorized.

THere are several other good surgeons in IL.  Dr. Rubinstein has done quite a few hip resurfacings now.  I have read about a number of people that have used him.  He also participates in the large Yahoo Discussion Group to ask questions. He has also written to me and given me permission to use his advice on my website.  I like a doctor that is very open and answers questions.  I imagine he is at around 100 hip resurfacings now. I know he will tell you his numbers.

Here are the IL doctors I have listed:

Dr. Scott Rubinstein - BHR Trained 2006
2860 N. Broadway
Suite 202
Chicago, IL 60657
Phone: 773-327-8300
email: doctor@hiportho.com
Website: http://www.hiportho.com

Mitchell B. Sheinkop, MD - BHR Trained Calgary 2006
Midwest Orthopedics
1725 W. Harrison St., Suite 1063
Chicago, IL 60612
phone: 312-432-2341
fax: 312-243-4294
contact: Mary Langhenry, PT
phone: 312-432-2378
email: mlanghenry@yahoo.com
Midwest Orthopedics

Dr. Myron (Marty)Stachniw
Midwest Orthopedic Services
834 N. Seminary St. Suite #102
Galesburg, IL 61401
309-341-1300 Phone
309-341-1377 Fax
Midwest Orthopaedic Services


Dr. Stachniw has also done a lot of hip resurfacings.  He was doing them before the FDA approval of the BHR.  I lot of pepole like him. You clan see several personal stories from people that used him on this page  http://www.surfacehippy.info/hipstories.php  Also he has had hip reusrfacing on both his hips. That is how he become interested in hip resurfacing.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: Doctor Barba in Rockford, Illinois
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2007, 10:26:44 AM »
Hello Pat,

Thanks for the info.  I am seeing Dr. Barba tomorrow.  As I have stated before, I KNOW he is a good surgeon, but I need to ask specifics to his history with BHR.  I have personally had clinical contact with him through an injury sustained by my husband in 2003.  I also personally know a lot of the ortho surgeons in the same practice.  I feel good about having this surgery (i.e. the hospital staff, etc.), but will feel 100% confident once I know his numbers, failure rate, etc. meet my needs.  I will also be meeting with the review HR person tommorow about by denial.  I have all my letters, info from the internet, etc. and I am READY!!  Thanks to your knowledge and a great letter that Vicki (another newbie) posted and I am going to work to fit my profile, I feel I will be victorious.  I will let you know how it goes....





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