I strongly recommend a second consult. In particular, because you're here in NYC, contact Dr. Edwin Su at the Hospital for Special Surgery. There's more info about him on this site. He's done over 700 resurfacings, and comes highly recommended (by me too!). He does deal with difficult cases, such as cysts.
Also, Dr. Su uses the posterior approach. From what I've read (and been told), this is the approach that preserves the muscles better, and requires only one tendon to be cut (which is later re-attached). I had my RBHR just 6 days ago, and today feel like I am actually beginning to walk around. I already have good range of motion, and am starting to feel better when putting most of my weight on my right leg. More of my details are in the "crazyness in NYC" post in the "Hip Stories" section.
This is a major decision (although the operation itself was painless!). It doesn't hurt to get a second opinion. (Admittedly, I didn't

but that's because of all the info I got on Dr. Su, and because his assessment was entirely consistent with my previous diagnoses and what I expected based on all that.) GOOD LUCK!
BTW, for many reasons, I would strongly recommend a BHR over a THR, if you are a candidate. Get in to see Dr. Su if you can. He's probably the best local Dr for the BHR.