Here is whats happening,
It seems as my medical group(Monarch) is trying to wash their hands of making a decision for allowing me to go outside my medical group to have this surgery. The sticking point is that in my medical group there is one doctor that does hip resurfacing and they would prefer me to have him do the surgery.This doctor has only done 4 resurfacings and told me in my consult with him that he is not really convinced that resurfacing surgery is very successful.He told me he likes to have at least a 20 year study to feel like he has the necessary info to make concrete decisions on success rates. On that note, I appealed to Pacific Care on the 19th of August to have Dr. Ball do my surgery. My wife and I spent a considerable amount of time making phone calls to both Monarch and Pacific Care for the next 3 days explaining the whole situation and Pacific Care has now ordered an appeal to review all info pertaining to this case.A decision will be made in the next 15-30 days if they are going to allow me to go outside my medical group and let Dr. Ball do this surgery.I will keep you all posted as to what happens.
One more note, any one trying to get approved for surgery make a list of all people you talked to,name,time, date,any info they tell you about your case, this is a little fire power when it comes time to appeal any decisions.