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Arizona Experiences
« on: July 24, 2008, 03:16:12 PM »
First time I have ever been to a chat room...funny what pain can make you do. I am 47 and very much leaning towards having my left hip resurfaced. I suffered a bad labral tear while running three years ago and had a scope and microfracture surgery done almost two years ago.
Today I walk like I am 80, don't sleep, am relegated to an eliptical machine and pretty much live in constant pain. Tylenol no longer helps and I am at the point of asking for some type of pain meds other than otc. I have had my fill of this diminished quality of life. My wife is ready to do the surgery at the kitchen table with whiskey and a butter knive just so she won't have to watch me hobble around anymore.
I met with Dr Wade Schrader at the core institute here in Phoenix last month.He told me I was an excellent candidate for resurfacing but cautioned me that the most recent data does not indicate a substantial increase in improved activities over the THR. I was very impressed with his approach and openness. He knew by my questions that I had been visiting this site. Dr schrader has 74 resurfacing surgeries to date. Of these 3 required switching to THR, one instance of ongoing nerve damage and one instance of infection.
I am hoping that some of those 70 resurfacing patients some may be a part of this group. I have scheduled another appointment for next week to ask a few more questions and possibly set a surgical date. Any input would be appreciated.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2008, 02:58:13 PM by Pat Walter »

Big Bill

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Re: Arizona Experiences
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2008, 03:26:58 PM »
Sounds like you are ready ...read away on this site and do your homework...find an experienced surgeon that is pro resurfacing, that you trust... and as they say here in Texas "get er done"  ;D   My resurface was done and I became a Hippy on 7/9/08  ;) .

            Big Bill ---Cormet Anterior Surface Hippy... C.A.S.H.  8)

John P

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Re: Arizona Experiences
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2008, 03:54:49 PM »
Hi Patrick,

I am 41 and had my right hip resurfaced 7 weeks ago. Your story sounds familiar. I to had terrible hip pain and my quality of life was detiorating quickly. What made things worse for me was that I am a soccer coach and my lively hood depends on being active. If i didnt have my hip resurfaced the outlook was bleak. If i did have it resurfaced would I have the same range of motion I was used to many years ago. Tough choices. My wife like yours listened to me day and night talking about my hip and how restricted I was becoming.

After much research and talking to two different surgeons ( both said i was ideal for resurfacing) I decided to bite the bullet and set a date for the op. It was June 6th. Trust me it was a great decision. Just remember recovery takes time and you will have to factor this into your planning. There seems to be a lot of emphasis on how quickly you are off crutches and walking. I dont know why this is. Maybe a bit of Bravado. It will take months for your body to fully recover ( I am talking about your muscles). I was back doing admin work after 4 weeks but honestly to start physical work, jogging, warm-ups, demonstrations, tactics will take months. By months I mean at least 3. I know people recover sooner but for me it will be at least 3 months and I won't push it to hard as I think 12 weeks is pretty good considering how major this surgery is.

My experience with resurfacing has been positive because I have lost all that bone on bone pain. The first 3 weeks bring lots of swelling and discomfort but this is normal and will go. I am now walking ( nothing like I was used to) but I know I am on the right track and will be good and back coaching in Sept.

Patrick I can only tell you about my experience but I would highly recommed resurfacing .. There is a big light at the end of the tunnel.

Best of luck with your decision.

John P


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Re: Arizona Experiences
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2008, 04:17:05 PM »

Everyone here will tell you to do more research. My first dr. never even told me about hip resurfacing. He said and you will read this alot " try to live with the pain as long as possible" that THR was my only option.
I just happened to come across this site by searching for answers on the web. It changed my life.
I found out about hip resurfacing and that I lived less then 3 hrs away from one of the top surgeons (over 1500 resurfacing's) in the country ( Columbia SC). 2 months later and I had surgery. I'm one month post surgery, walking a mile a day using a cane for balance to avoid a slight limp  and have never had hip pain again. Don't get me wrong there is pain but nothing like it was and it gets better each day.
There are alot of Great HR doctors out there. Pat has a list on the site. I think a Dr. has to preform over 100 to get added to list. She will reply to your post and give you great feedback.
 I was in your same position pain wise. After the tylenol stopped working I went to tramadol (mild pain pill) then to Vicodin ( stronger pain pill). Barely slept, walked like 80 yr old. I just turned 38! 3 different ortho's diagnosed me with Osteo Arthritis..Go figure!
I hope this helps you. This site has so many knowledgeable members and no one will tell you what to do but will  give you suggestions and information.

Good Luck with your decision!
P.S. Like Big Bill says Get er done!!!!!
Lisa Uncemented/Biomet/Gross/ 6-23-08


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Re: Arizona Experiences
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2008, 04:49:05 PM »
It's amazing to hear people with the same stories. Years of pain. Loss of mobility. Wondering if it will ever be right again. Sort of like a positive 12-step program. "Hi, my name is Tom and I'm a Surface Hippy." I was waiting for a doctor to tell me what to do, and then I realized I had to make the decision myself. At that point, everything started happening very quickly.
I'm 3.5 weeks post of with a Right Birmingham Hip Resurfacing (RBHR), and I could tell from the first day that I had done the right thing. No more bone-on-bone pain (how many times have I read that here?). Yes, some swelling and soreness, but every day is better.
Good luck Patrick.
- Tom in Pittsburgh


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Re: Arizona Experiences
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2008, 05:46:28 PM »
Hey Patrick,

I live in Tucson and there is no sugeon in the state that I would've considered. I travelled to Madison, Wi and had Dr Rogerson perform my BHR. I am 4 weeks post op- no pain, cycling again and will be able to run again in six months. Take your time and research a surgeon with sufficient experience. Good luck and don't hesitate to keep seeking good info.



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Re: Arizona Experiences
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2008, 07:36:22 PM »

I was hoping you would reply to Patrick....I've read many of your posts and thought you would be a good person for him to chat with..

Lisa Uncemented/Biomet/Gross/ 6-23-08


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Re: Arizona Experiences
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2008, 07:46:10 PM »
Thanks Lisa,

A friend of mine in Tucson also travelled to NY and had Dr Su perform his BHR.


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Re: Arizona Experiences
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2008, 10:27:00 AM »

You welcome. I enjoy your posts..Keep'em coming..

Lisa Uncemented/Biomet/Gross/ 6-23-08

Pat Walter

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Re: Arizona Experiences
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2008, 03:08:49 PM »
Hi Patrick

Welcome to Hip Talk.

I moved your post to a new area so more people will see see it.

Your doctor is still in the learning stage and it is good he admits that he has had 3 problems that required a revision to a THR..  That means he is not an experienced hip resurfacing surgeon yet.  You don't want to take any chances of using an inexperineced surgeon if possible.

There is no reason to get a hip resurfacing and then turn around and do another major revision surgery to a THR because your doctor is still learning.

Here is my Doctors list with the experienced surgeons 

THe doctor is giving you incorrect information when he is telling you that a hip resurfacing does not give your more ROM and a higher activity level.  These newer doctors just don't have the experience to really know the outcomes. 

Doctors like mine, De Smet who has done over 3000 hip resurfacings, know the outcomes and never give a patient a THR if they can give a hip resurfacing.  Dr. Bose of India has done many, many athletes that are now running maratons and Ironmans.  Dr. Mont has done many athletes that have returned to full activity level and a number of sports.

You need to do some more reading and homework before you waste your time listening to someone that is not sold on hip resurfacing.  The newere doctors will "bait and switch" if the surgery looks difficult.

Read my FAQ   http://www.surfacehippy.info/faq.php  and see what the experienced surgeons are saying about hip resurfacing.   VIew the doctor Videos and listen to what they are saying   http://www.surfacehippy.info/shvideos/videosdoctor.php

If you take time and do your homework now, you will know what the answers to the quesitons should be.  If the doctor is not giving them to you, look for another doctor if you want a hip resurfacing.

Read the articles on the Visitors Guide  http://www.surfacehippy.info/visitorguide.php

After spending an evening reading and watching videos - you will have a different outlook about hip resurfacing and I doubt it will be the same as the doctor you have visited.

Ask questions and do your homework.  There are over 90,000 happy surface hippies world wide and the number continues to grow.


Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet



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