I am sorry but I don't personally know of anyone that used Dr. Stuchin. One of the more experienced doctors I do know about is:
Dr. Edwin Su
Hospital for Special Surgery
535 East 70th Street
7th Floor, Room 704 West
New York, NY 10021
877-606-1555 (toll-free)
Hospital for Special Surgery
Quite a few surface hippies on the
http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/surfacehippy/ of over 6000 people have used Dr. Su. You also might want to join the large group and ask about Dr. Stuchin. His name does sound familiar, but there are now so many doctors started to do the BHR surgery that it is very difficult to know about them all.
I personally feel, after a great deal of research and having my own hip resurfacing, that a person should choose a doctor with a lot of experience. I have written many times that hip resusrfacing is as much an art and a learned skill at this point. There is not as much instrumentation for hip resurfacing surgery as their is for THR. That is the reason almost any doctor can put a THR in a person. It is not as precise an operation and a great deal of instrumentation has been developed over the years. Right now you rely on the doctors skill and experience to properly place the cap over the femur bone at the right angle and the cup in the acetabulum. There are studies on my website indicated a doctor needs 50-100 surgeries to become experineced. Personally, I wanted a doctor with many hundreds - actually 2400 to be exact for my doctor, Dr. De Smet. With all his experience in hip resurfacing, he suggests people choose a doctor with at least 100 hip resurfacings under their belt.
Again, this is personal opinion, but it is based on studies I have read and my own surgeon's advice.
You can always ask your doctor how many hip resurfacings they have done. Also how many femur neck fractures have occured, infections have occured and how many revisions of the hip resurfacings have been required. If a doctor is not willing to share that information, I would look for another experienced and open doctor to work with.