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deb podany

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Hi everyone!

6 months post-op?  Dancing and boating!

What I have found very curious is that I can dance and march much better than I can walk.  As soon as I start to slow down, my limp returns.  Is this weird?

Just wanted to know if anyone else out there has experienced what I call "shaky leg syndrome" during or after physical rehab?  This is most pronounced when doing upper thigh exercises and I have also noticed it around an hour after rehab (while walking), which then goes away if I rest for a while.  Keep in mind that I put off hip surgery for too long and definitely have experienced muscle atrophy.

Also have noticed that I get tired much quicker than before surgery.  Is this normal?  I am a little concerned since I start work next week. 

Otherwise, my walk is improving day by day.  I have to practice, I walked abnormally for too long! 

Your comments are appreciated!


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Re: 6 weeks post-op - leg shakiness after rehab, fatigue, funny walk!
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2008, 04:14:05 PM »
Hi Deb,

There is what I called start up stiffness which usually lasts up to about six months to a year. Mine finally went away at seven months post op.  It was where after sitting for a while, when I first stood up, I would limp for the first few steps until I got the hang of it, then I would walk normal.  Is that what you mean or are you actually hurting?  It wasn't really hurting, to me it was just a little muscle stiffness and ache but not really any pain.

Make sure you get yourself a full length mirror and place it down at the end of a hall and watch yourself walk towards it.  Make sure that every single stride is equal, I know I had a tendency to take a longer stride with one leg than the other. Also roll each foot, heel to toe, shoulders back so you are not slouching.  Watch yourself walking. 

Does your PT also do gait training?  A good PT will help you with your walking. We literally need to learn to walk again after this surgery.  If you don't do it early on, the harder it will be for your body to adjust to walking correctly.  I felt fatigue for several months after my surgery, I don't know if I still felt it at six months out, it has been a while since my surgery.  Hope this helps a little.


John C

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Re: 6 weeks post-op - leg shakiness after rehab, fatigue, funny walk!
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2008, 05:32:25 PM »
For what its worth, here is my take on the "shaky leg syndrome". If you take even a strong athlete, and push a muscle until it fully fatigues, it will start to shake. Once a muscle has reached this point, it may feel shaky for a while after the workout, until it has had sufficient time to recover. This is not a bad thing, and is sign that you are pushing the muscle sufficiently to build strength. When I am doing pre season training for a sport, reaching the "shaky" point is how I know that I am pushing a muscle to an optimal level in order to most rapidly build strength. The difference is that after this surgery, it does not take very much at all to reach that level, but I still see it as a positive feedback on training level. Just be sure that your surgeon approves of this level of training at this time post surgery, and that you give a muscle that is pushed that hard, sufficient time to rest between workouts.
I would be concerned about pain, but shaky might be a good thing.

John/ Dr Gross/ left Biomet/ 6-16-08
John/ Left uncemented Biomet/ Dr Gross/ 6-16-08
Right uncemented Biomet/Dr Gross/ 4/25/18

deb podany

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Re: 6 weeks post-op - leg shakiness after rehab, fatigue, funny walk!
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2008, 07:16:31 AM »
Vicky and John, thanks for your response.

In answer to Vicky's question, no I am not experiencing any pain.  Unfortunately, my physical therapist is not giving me any gait training.  I am also experiencing a leg length discrepancy, which is not helping.  I end my 6 weeks of rehab on August 5th.  I guess my thinking now is to call my surgeon and see what he would suggest and also see if I can find a therapist experienced in gait training (and, of course if my insurance will pay for this.)  Thanks for your advise on this and I will keep you posted.  I am getting worried that this limp will never go away!

In response to John, thank you.  This is what I suspected was a result of my leg shakiness.  After all, I am now trying to use muscles that have been unused or underused for at least a year. 

Deb Podany/Dr. Schmitt

Pat Walter

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Re: 6 weeks post-op - leg shakiness after rehab, fatigue, funny walk!
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2008, 12:14:09 PM »
Hi Deb

It does take some people a very long time to get back to normal.  I would not get too discouraged yet.  It also takes a long time to train muscles that have not been used proprerly for years.

It might be good to ask your surgeon what he thinks too.

The energy issue was a problem with me.  It took me almost 6 months to get all my energy back.  Again, we all heal at our own rate.  Naps are good, but not at work!

Good Luck.

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3/15/06 LBHR De Smet



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