Hi Pat,
Wow, my own topic! But you may want to change that to 3 + months post op--I've only been "crutch free" for 5 weeks (was on crutches for the first 7 or so). I live in Buffalo, NY. My surgeon's name is Dr. Brian McGrath; he is with University Orthopaedics her ein Buffalo, and I think the world of him and his entire group! For me, it has been a day-by-day recovery with things literally improving on a daily basis. One thing I will stress to everyone out there is to keep doing your stretching and strenghtening exercises they give you post-op and in PT. The human body is an amazing thing; it works in extraordinary ways to heal itself, but you have to give it some help along the way! So believe in those exercises and in your own ability to improve! I am better each day because of those exercises and the ones I am now able to do on my own, such as biking, walking, elyptical, etc. I will write to Spencer separately about introducing swimming to my routine; may not be the smoothest thing to hit the water, but I'll try it....because I CAN!
Thank you, Pat, for creating this site and working so hard to maintain it!