Hi Holly
I did not have a limping problem very long, so I am not talking from experience. I am thinking about the many hundreds of post I have read.
Many people will swear their leg is too long after surgery. For many, it feels that way and actually may be from all the swelling and surgery. For most, it eventually resolves itself.
A few people continue to have limps because of muscle problems and need a lot of PT to get back to a normal gait.
There are a small number of people that actually ended up with legs too long. One becuase the doctor built the acetabular part of the hip up too much. I think a few others because of surgical errors. Several ended up with legs too short.
Fortunately, not many people have permanent leg length problems.
I just wanted to comment on what I have read over the years. I think you need to work closely with your PT and doctor to figure out what your problem is. I hope you are able to get it under control soon.