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Kevin H

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Con't Groin Pain
« on: August 23, 2008, 08:36:07 PM »
I had BHR done Left) 12/06...shortly after surgery I devloped pain where my leg meets my torso....doctor said groin pain and to slow down on exercise...which I did and when I tried to resume (slowly) the pain was still there.  Rested the hip again and tried exercising.....the pain has not gone away and when I try to move it certain ways it hurts....6 to 8 months after surgery I developed "sciatica" in the opposite leg....I attribute it to the surgery but Dr Su doesnt agree....I expected better results from all the success stories......anyone have similar issues...

Pat Walter

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Re: Con't Groin Pain
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2008, 10:25:45 PM »
Hi Kevin

I am sorry to hear about your problems. 

Does Dr. Su give you any reason for the pain that keeps reoccuring?  Do you have bursitus?  Sometimes people develop that in their operated hip.

You are right that most lpeople do well after surgery, but sometimes there are always a few exceptions. 

Have you had x-rays to show if the hip device is properly placed?  You can also send your x-rays to several of the other doctors like Dr. Bose or Dr. De Smet to get some more input into your problems.  You can find their email addresses on my Doctors List.  They are usually good about helping people determine problems with their hip resurfacings.

Again, I am sorry to hear about your problems.  I hope that you can find a solution and be out of pain soon.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet

Kevin H

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Re: Con't Groin Pain
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2008, 09:46:56 AM »
thanks for responding.....I have had xrays and the device seems to be fine......last visit I was given a shot for bursitis which helped the pain on the side of my hip.....the problem that continues is where my leg meets my torso....I am unable to do simple leg lifts and turning the leg a certain way causes pain,,,,Dr Sui has given no reason for this and last visit said he would remove the device and do a THP if I wanted......I am not ready for another surgery and I left that visit totally dismayed and just figured I will have to live with this.....I guess I shouldnt give up and try another opinion.....

Pat Walter

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Re: Con't Groin Pain
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2008, 11:35:09 AM »
Hi Kevin

There have been a few cases I have read with a lot of pain and it took a year or two to get better.  I know there are many reasons for pain and I am not a doctor so can't tell you more. 

I do know that with several of the very bad cases, it took a lot of patience and they finally did get better.  I don't think they ever got 100% like most of us do, but they did get rid of much of the pain.

I only tell you that because you have choose the path to wait and see.  I can't blame you for that. Another surgery to a THR would certianly be another big upset.

Many people have been helped a lot with water therapy.  Maybe that would be something you could try that would not cost a lot or be another surgery.  A good PT in water therapy might be able to give you some stretches and exercises in the water.   I was able to use a large neck deep therapy pool kept at 92 degrees.  It really helped to loosen my mucles up.  Here are the ones I did along with just some plain water walking forward, backward and to each side.  http://www.surfacehippy.info/poolexercises.php

That's my best suggestion at this point since I know it has helped a lot of other people.

Please keep in touch and I will keep my fingers crossed that you will be able to solve your pain problem.


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3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: Con't Groin Pain
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2008, 12:49:22 PM »
I am so sorry to hear of the problems you are having.  I know Dr. Su is an excellent surgeon and one of the top in the world now. 

You are the first case I have heard of with him that had a problem.  I also know all the other top doctors have had a problem case here or there but they are very rare.  Did you try PT?  Sometimes it could be that you need a psoas release?  I know I did that at around 4 months post op, I had the tightest illiopsoas muscle.  The PT went in really deep and afterwards I felt so much relief.  Please keep us posted.



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Re: Con't Groin Pain--- Kevin H how did you make out?
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2008, 02:30:36 PM »

How did you finally make out with Dr. Su? 

I know DeSmet told you that you might need a revision to THR, how did you make out?

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