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BMHR with Mr.McMinn
« on: September 03, 2008, 04:42:04 AM »
Well it's 2 weeks today since my operation with Mr McMinn and everything's going great.

That constant screaming pain in my right hip which had become part of my life for the last 15 years has now gone and my life already feels amazingly different.

I've been told by various consultants over the last 10 years, due to my condition and age i am not a likely candidate for this type of surgery. The general response to my request for resurfacing was to put up with the pain until i'm old enough to have a THR. I had at this stage pretty much given up hope, but continued to do research on websites like this one. After being put in touch Mr. De Smet by a friend's Dad who had successfully undergone a BHR in Belgium and Mr. McMinn in Birmingham Who i knew had pioneered this operation, they both agreed i would be suitable for resurfacing even though it wouldn't be your box standard operation as i'd need a dysplasia cup, with bone grafting and Mr. McMinn thought the use of a Mid Head Resection would be his prefered option.

I'm still suffering a little at night, as everything seems to tighten up. But during the day i'm pain free (unless i sit for too long in the same position). I went in hoping for a BHR but as Mr McMinn explained in my pre op consultation, He'd check it out once he was in there but because of the dysplasia in my hip the chances were the bone density in my femoral neck would be questionable and if so it would be too risky to go for a BHR and he thought a mid head resection would be my best option. (Better to do a successful BMHR than to try chancing it with a BHR and risk a fracture in my femoral neck at some point down the line). He said without going in there and looking at the bone quality he couldn't promise anything. I was happy to go under knowing his experience would mean i would wake up with the best possible outcome for my condition.

I am a freelance personal trainer and feel the exercise i did prior to the operation has played a huge part in my recovery. I'm partial weight baring for another 2 weeks with 2 crutches and fully weight baring for a further 2 weeks still using the crutches, but already feel the strength and stability improving on a daily basis. My leg has now been lengthened by about a Cm which feels very strange as i've grown accustomed to having one leg longer than the other for so long. My walking has improved so much and all those back and knee pains are slowly starting to ease. Anyway i will keep you posted on my recovery.

Finally may i say a big thank you, as websites like this one is what's kept my hope's up and that in turn has kept me believing i would finally get to where i am today. Living a life without pain and enjoying the simple things in life like taking a walk along the beach (even though i'm not ready for that just yet). Walking is something i will never take granted!! 

« Last Edit: September 03, 2008, 11:21:54 AM by Pat Walter »

Pat Walter

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Re: BMHR with Mr.McMinn
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2008, 11:24:10 AM »
Hi Graza

Congratulations on your new BMHR.  I gave you your own topic so more people will see your post.

It is an important post to tell people there is still another option if resurfacing is not possible before choosing a THR.

Where do you live? How long did you stay in the UK if you are not from there?

I will post your story on the main website under the McMinn Stoires too since many people will see it there.

I will post updates as you provide them.

I wish you the best of luck and hope you will keep us updated as you improve.

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3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: BMHR with Mr.McMinn
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2008, 11:50:49 AM »
Great news Graza - It's amazing how many people still get resistance to hip resurfacing. I know it changed my life, and I wish I hadn't waited so long.
- Tom
RBHR - 7/1/08


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Re: BMHR with Mr.McMinn
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2008, 10:56:25 PM »

Dear Graza,

Your condition sounds similar to mine,however Dr. Bose, after reviewing my x-rays and Dexa scan, believes that I am not a candidate for a BHR resurfacing because of the poor density of my femoral neck. He suggested the new BHR with stem, which is a combination of hip resurfacing and THR. The femoral head is not sawed off. It is resurfaced and capped and then a longer stem similar to THR is implanted, without cement I believe.

This is to protect the femoral head from fracturing.

I also have dysplagia..the head of the femor is not completely in the socket,however no one has mentioned a dysplagia cup. Could you please tell me what a dysplagia cup is?  Also, does the BMHR have a longer stem than the typical BHR?   

Why was there a need for bone grafting and  could you tell me what a Mid Head Resection is as compared to typical hip resurfacing?

Has anyone on this list had the new BHR with long titanium stem  or have heard of it?

Are you from the U.S. or England? Could ou tell me what the cost is of this type of operation with Dr. McMinn?

Thank you and congratuations on your successful surgery.  Do you have any idea how long the recovery period is before you'll be able to walk without crutches or a cane?

Pennsylvania, USA
« Last Edit: September 14, 2008, 10:32:41 PM by Pat Walter »

Pat Walter

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Re: BMHR with Mr.McMinn
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2008, 11:07:50 PM »
Hi Freya

Welcome to Hip Talk.  Glad to see you were able to post.

I hope you will be able to find out more solutions for your hip problems.

Good Luck.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: BMHR with Mr.McMinn
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2008, 05:52:32 AM »
Hi ya Freya,

I'm Actually from Jersey in the Channel Islands (An Island off the coast of France but part of the British Isles.)

Mr. McMinn from Birmingham (UK) pioneered the BHR hence it's name, he also created the BMHR or the Birmingham Mid Head Resection which was designed for people with questionable bone density in the femoral neck. The stem is similar to the conventional BHR stem but a little wider and is drilled into the femoral neck with the ball then attached, but it is not anywhere near as long as the THR stem, thus allowing the bone to weight bare more and increase the natural strength and density of that bone.

The dysplasia cup is a cup with 2 lugs or screws inserted into the pelvis which aids with stabilization within the acetablia and the subsequent bone grafting is to help reconstruct the area's which were basically worn out. That then gives you a perfectly functional hip. Because my hip didn't sit in the socket properly my right leg lost 1cm in height which i got back after the operation.

I had the operation 3 weeks yesterday and have 1 more week partial weight baring, 4 more weeks fully weight baring still with 2 crutches then onto a stick for a couple of weeks. Yesterday i walk with crutches for about a mile without any pain. Unfortunately as i am a freelance personal trainer i am unable to work yet but am ok sitting at a desk doing paper work etc.

The cost was £13,000 Which included everything from the operation to my 7 day stay in his private hospital along with the Physio team which were great.

I would ask Mr. Bose about BMHR as i know other than Mr. McMinn he was one of the few people who perform this operation.

Check out www.mcminncentre.com as there's some pretty good stuff on there about BMHR (if you stomach can handle it)

Stay in touch eh! Good luck


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Re: BMHR with Mr.McMinn
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2008, 07:26:54 AM »
Hi Graza
I too have had the BMHR but with Dr Kohan in Sydney. Like yourself, I was planned for the BHR but, during surgery, a huge cyst was discovered in my femoral head which made me too risky for resurfacing. Dr Kohan had recently undergone training by Derek McMinn for this procedure and I am very fortunate to have been one of his first patients! I have the standard Birmingham cup and the specially lengthened/thickened stem and modified head. I have bone grafts in both the femoral head (whatever's remaining) and acetabulum(sp?) I had my op on 5 June 08 and am scheduled for other hip at end of November. Dr Kohan has indicated that I will need a dysplasia cup and most probably another BMHR. Otherwise, I am healing nicely but slowly and just waiting to have my other hip sorted.
I am a 43yo mum and would like to hear more on your recovery and of any other BMHR'er outcomes, success stories etc.

Pat Walter

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Re: BMHR with Mr.McMinn
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2008, 09:31:29 AM »
Hi Yolanda

I am glad to hear that you were able to have the BMHR instead of a THR.  Many more people are starting to receive that option now.

I have 4 other stories about BMHR patients on my Hip Stories Section  http://www.surfacehippy.info/hipstories.php#Mr._McMinn_Hip_Stories_

I would like to add your story on the main part of the website also.  Do you have any more information you could add to your story - maybe a little about how long you had problems and how much pain you had, etc.?

I think I need to start a section just for the BHMR stories since I am hearing about more of them.

If you have any more info you would like to add or even a photo - you can email it to me at


By the way, I am the owner/webmaster of Surface Hippy.

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3/15/06 LBHR De Smet

Pat Walter

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Re: BMHR with Mr.McMinn
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2008, 09:33:19 AM »

I will be posting your story too - I haven't forgotten about you.  I have just had so many other projects lately from trying to get the videos to work to adding information about the possible Medicare coverage of Hip Resurfacing in the US, etc.

I will catch up on the stories soon.

Best of luck to you.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet



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