Dr. Bose got my Xrays this week and read the doctors report who examined me a year ago.
Dr. Bose asked for second examination from another Orthropedic doctor and possible new set of Xrays.
My first examination report done here Montana was very vague and basically had very little information.
My X rays showed very moderate arthritus. (thats what Dr. Bose saw)
I am waiting for a response from Dr. Bose about PT and why my pain came on so fast.
I thought for 6 months I had a grion injury from riding rough country on horse back.
I like the yoga idea and I agree that I must of agrivaited this arthritic hip during a ride.
I plan to have surgery if need be in late November. (Dr. Bose)
So far two local doctors agree I need hip surgery.
I don't diagree with them.
I do want to do the right thing until the time comes instead of eating pain pills and hobbling around work and at home.
If I can increase my range of motion a bit and find out exactly what is causing the pain I can better understand how to help myself relieve some of the pain.
I would like a good nights sleep.