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Intro.LHR 2 yrs ago,Rt one needed. Anyone use Raterman?
« on: September 14, 2008, 12:15:46 PM »
Hi Everyone,

I'm Sherry. I live in NCent FL. 1st hip resurf 11-10-06 at age 59 by Dr Kennedy in Sarrasota. Love that man, but he's retired from surgery  :'( .

 Had a quick recovery. Husband was dx'ed w/ca 10 days after surgery and died 2 mo's later. I live alone now w/cats.  My Rt hip xray shows advanced osteo, femoral cyst starting and pain getting worse since June. I have superior bone density, no major health problems, but 40 lbs overweight. I work full time and was active until the pain started to get bad. I want to get this done. Dr's kept telling me it was my back for years before one figured out it was my hip and by then I was almost crippled.

I had checked out Dr Raterman 2 yrs ago but he was just starting resurfs then. I was impressed w/what I learned and now I hear he has almost 300 under his belt. Has anyone had a resurf by him and tell me about it?

I know Dr Stolarski is doing resurfs in Kennedys office but besides distance I would prefer not to use him since he tried talking me into a total hip before I was able to get in to see Kennedy. The surface hippies told me not to do it and I Thank God I listened. I was going to have Dr Gross do it but I was able to get an appt w/Kennedy.   When I saw Dr K. he was NOT happy when I told him about Dr S not wanting to do a resurf. I have to have total trust in my surgeon.

Since I live alone I would have to have neighbors check in on me when I get home. I plan on taking 2 mo's off work.

Anyone do it alone? Any suggestions?  Any info on Raterman & help appreciated.

Sherry LC+, 11-10-06 Kennedy


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Re: Intro.LHR 2 yrs ago,Rt one needed. Anyone use Raterman?
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2008, 12:24:59 PM »
Hi Sherry,

I've heard nothing but great things about Dr Raterman. This includes praise from his peers in the resurfacing arena. I don't think you could go wrong by checking him out.



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Re: Intro.LHR 2 yrs ago,Rt one needed. Anyone use Raterman?
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2008, 12:33:46 PM »
Thank you Spencer.
My intuition tells me he is the one to go with.


PS Cute dog.



Dr. Pritchett Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 10,000 hip resurfacings

Dr. Mont Hip Resurfacing Surgeon Baltimore MD

Dr. Gross of SC Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 6000 hip resurfacings

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