Hello friends!
I'm three weeks tomorrow. I haven't posted anything since pre surgery, actually today is the first day I sat in front of the computer. I know my wife gave a few briefs on how I was doing in the hospital and she thanks all of you for the kind words and support. I have to tell you, I'm a new man, I feel fantastic! I'm not going to lie, the first week, I felt like I got run over by a truck but everyday gets better and better. It's amazing how the next day you can do something you could barely do the day before. I'm down to walking with a cane, I walked my daughter to school today (10 minute walk), I felt pretty good it was my longest walk yet. It's very important for all patients to keep up with the physio, it's my daily routine, don't anybody cheat. Again, I can't begin to explain how important this web site has been for me and my family. For anybody browsing around or visiting this site for the first time, absorb all you can, it will help you immensely.
Anybody in the Toronto, Ontario, Canada who's looking for a surgeon, Dr. M. Bushuk is the man. Although, he doesn't have the experience as some of the doctors posted on this web site(he has 21 years with joint replacement), he was still a doctor I had total confidence and faith in. I wouldn't change what I did for a second. Anyone requiring more information feel free to contact me at mightyducts@hotmail.com or call me 416.277.5501.
I'll be keeping up with weekly posts!
Talk to you soon!
Toronto, Ontario