Hey! I'm so glad you got the info. And thank you for the response! Its a wonderful, beautiful, strange - in a good way! - community that keeps on growing and growing . .. . Like any affliction, what one suffers becomes personal and intimate, and the knowledge that there are others out there suffering their own unique afflictions (in our case, our hips) helps to quiet the loneliness or can be just so damn encouraging!!! So get and stay connected. Ask questions no matter what those questions are.
When you say that "this is pretty much new to me," what do you mean?? Are you reffering to the Hip Resurfacing procedure?? What I recommend is to watch every available video you can find on the Surface Hippy Website - even the surgeries. Read about the different devices, and learn how they realte to your symptoms, age, your bone quality, your hip issues and current condition (osteoarthritis, dysplasia, etc.) As you will find out, the most popular hip resurfacing device, which is the one with the longest "track record" is the Birmingham Hip Resurfacing. However, other devices are out there and have good standing results as well. It is important to find a surgeon who has the experience (more than 100 resurfacings) and that he be able to answer all the questions that you have (the good list is found on the Surface Hippy Website as well.)
Is your doctor referring you for Hip Resurfacing? Or a Total Hip Replacement - assuming you've been diagnosed with "something." I was referred to Dr Garbuz by Dr Gilbart, an Orthopaedic Surgeon at UBC, after he had performed Arthroscopic surgery on my right hip (which is now resurfaced) to remove a labral tear and remove some excess bone on my femur-head, as well as repair loose cartilage in my acetabulum. The surgery positively affected me for about 6 months, and then it was all down hill from there. So, my referal was from one specialist to another.
I believe if you do have a hip problem, get it diagnosed if it hasn't been yet, and then (demand if you have to) ask for a referal to a specialist to explore means to deal with your hip problem. Remember, if, because of your location, you can't get the answers you want/need, you can always get X-rays and send them to a surgeon that you can find on the Surface Hippy Website (for example, Dr De Smet in Belgium, who responds quite quickly!) I will always say, from what I've learned form my own experience - inform yourself. Find and read as much info as you can.
These are my thoughts for now. I hope this helps you out