As Bill and Pat stated microwave meals and pre-made frozen meals would be a lot of help for you.
One thing nobody mentioned, have you called your insurance company and made them aware of your situation? I know in the hospital in SC they had a social worker come in and quized me on if I live alone, how many steps... I am just wondering if your insurance company would not allow you some assistance at least for the first week or so. You might also want to check your phone book around here there are agencies that will come and give you assistance, they are not nurses, but rather helping hands.
Every case is different but after I got home from the hostpital (3 days post op) I was pretty mobile, although I know I would not have been able to put teds on myself, although my doctor did not use that protocol. After the first week I was up in the kitchen helping to make meals as my wife tends to burn water when she boils it (sorry honey) as long as she helped with the low lying stuff it worked out.
A raised toilet seat is a must, with handles, greatest invention ever, although some use those plastic urinals, I never did as I wanted to be up and mobile ASAP.
The more you get up and move around the better you will be, don't lie around every so often the first few days get up out of bed, laying around too much is not good for you. Even if you are on limited weight bearing post op, MOVE AROUND.
As far as pain, ask your doctor what is protocol is. If he answers with "what is that?" CANCEL THE SURGERY. Most all doctors have ways of dealing with your pain. Dr Gross prefers spinals for surgery and loads you up with pain meds so that your leg in numb the first 24-36 hours. I woke up with no pain whatsoever, I never even took an advil or pain pill till late in the 2nd day post-op but my pain was never worse than my worst day with my hip. My hip felt more like a big old monkey fist cramp for the first 9 days, then everything got really good. If your doctor has a good pain protocol, you won't have real bad pain the day of surgery, in fact the first day may be your best day. Important thing is talk to your doctor.
Good luck with the surgery, please come back and tell us how you did.
I'm scheduled to get a resurface on my left hip on 10-24-08 with Doctor Rector in Boulder CO. Couple questions for you folks who have done it already.
First I live alone and I don't have nor do I expect much help other than a trip back home from the hospital. Is this something I can do alone or will I definitely need some sort of help with food, toilet etc? I plan on getting some easy to prepare meals and soups but is that something I should even consider. Not sure I have any choice really but what are your thoughts?
Second question is how much actual pain should I expect after surgery. I don’t handle pain well (pussy) and I'm more concerned with the first day or two after surgery. I had a hernia operation years back and if its anything like that (Horrible) then I better be ready for it mentally.