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Helpful postop device for pet owners
« on: October 06, 2008, 12:23:05 PM »
Hello everyone,

My surgery is scheduled for November 10th, and I've been trying to prepare my home for post-surgical restrictions.  I live alone and spent some time puzzling over how I was going to feed and change the water for my cats and dog.  What I came up with was an $11.00 plastic long-handled dustpan that I got at the local restaurant supply store.  They're also available on Amazon.com and probably elsewhere.  It's basicly a plastic box on it's side attached to a long handle.  With a little practice and help from a grabber, I'm easily able to raise and lower food and water bowls to the floor without bending.  It also works really well as a dustpan!! 

Good luck to all of us who are counting the days!

« Last Edit: October 06, 2008, 01:49:42 PM by wendyk320 »


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Re: Helpful postop device for pet owners
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2008, 09:39:48 PM »
Great idea. What do I put in search box on Amazon to find one? This will solve my problems of getting cat food dishes up and down. I'll order one from Amazon.  Thanks
Your surgery is on my 2 yr left hip resurf = 11-10-06. My rt is scheduled for 11-6-08.

Sherry LC+ 11-10-06 Kennedy
RBHR in 28 days 11-06-08 Raterman


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Re: Helpful postop device for pet owners
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2008, 03:27:32 PM »
Sherry, I was wondering.........were you already having problems with both of your hips when you had your 1st surgery or did problems with your other hip develop later? 

The dust pan idea sounds like it will work out great.  Luckily, I had helpers so I didn't have to worry about it with our 3 dogs, but I can imagine how hard it would be on your own! 


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Re: Helpful postop device for pet owners
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2008, 09:44:03 PM »
I only had problems w/my left hip and was pain free until June of this yr when the rt one started. The right hip was moderate to medium osteo at time of left hip surgery. Rt hip has declined quite rapidly.

Sherry LC+ 11-10-06 Kennedy
27 days till RBHR 11-06-08 Raterman


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Re: Helpful postop device for pet owners
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2008, 01:17:05 PM »
Hi, Sherry,

Sorry to take so long to reply.  Here's a link to the Amazon site


Hm, the link doesn't seem to be live, but it might work if you copy and paste it.  Or just search for "dustpan" on Amazon.

I wish I'd bought it a long time ago since I've had trouble reaching the ground for quite a while.  I spent some time this weekend sweeping up birdseed shells and leaves from the front and back porch.  So much fun to have a new toy!  Doesn't take much to keep me entertained.

I take your anniversary date as my surgery date as a wonderful omen since you had such a good experience with your first hip.  I'm going for my pre-op testing on your surgery date this time, so I'll be sending lots of good karma your way on that day.

Dr. Mont 10/4/08



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Re: Helpful postop device for pet owners
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2008, 10:18:29 PM »
Thanks Wendy for the link. I ordered one I think will serve me for a long time. I have kitty litter in the bathroom that this will come handy for after the 90 degree rule is over and I don't need it to lift the cat bowls. That was a great idea.
If my rt resurf is as great as my left I'll be one happy hippy.
Lots of postive thoughts are going your way and I'll be 4 days post op when you have surgery.
20 days and counting.

The 21st I go to the hosp for registration, a joint class and blood cross match or something like that + appt w/Raterman. Full day

Sherry LC+ 11-10-06 Kennedy
20 days RBHR 11-06-08 Raterman



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