Dr. Su has a lot of happy hip resurfacing patients. You can check out a few of his patients stories towards the bottom of this page
http://www.surfacehippy.info/hipstories.phpHere are 4 articles about the metal ion issue.
]http://www.surfacehippy.info/metalioninformation.php]To most surface hippies, the metal ion issue is really a non-issue. We have read the studies and feel it is not a problem. Most of the hip resurfacing doctors will also explain that it is not really a problem. Be sure to ask your doctor what he/she thinks about the issue.
There are several types of THR's that are not the same metal that is in a BHR or normal MOM. There are ceramic on ceramic which are the large ball devices. There are also many small ball metal/plastic devices which you would not normally want. The small pieces of plastic break away and cause bone problems plus the small head makes dislocation very easy.
Here is an article about the types of hips
http://www.hipsforyou.com/totalhipreplacement.php from my other website. And specific info from a few of the manufacturers
http://www.hipsforyou.com/hipdevices.php Here is a great article about choosing a THR device
http://www.hipsforyou.com/choosinghipandsurgeon.phpI hope that answers a few of your questions. Be sure to make a list of questions to ask Dr. Su when you visit with him. Here is a list of questions many people ask
http://www.surfacehippy.info/questionsfordoctor.phpGood Luck with your appoinment with Dr. Su. Keep in touch.
Pat in Ohio
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet