I don't know how bad you SCFE was I had a very severe slip and it has caused severe deformities of the neck and head. The surgeon I am seeing said that he was not willing to resurface it. It said it wouldn't fix my problem and probably cause more issues because the slip would still be present being only that the head was replaced. I don't know I'm no doc, but it makes since. I have been told that by 2 different orthos so far.
I second Pat's statement that you would be well advised to send your x-rays to one of the top resurfacing specialists. Ordinary orthopaedists, even very good ones, are not familiar enough with the procedure to understand which surgical risks are reasonable and which are not.
Your SCFE might scare the hell out of your local orthopaedist, but, for all we know, Dr. Gross or Dr. De Smet might consider it to be a worthy challenge. You won't know unless you ask, and x-ray consultations are free.
I understand what you're saying about your femoral neck. If the neck is deformed, a resurfacing won't correct it. But does it have to? Is the deformity the primary problem, or the arthritis? Once the joint is replaced (by HSR or THR), the arthritis will not come back. If arthritis is your problem, your problem will be solved.
The other consideration is whether the neck deformity arising from your SCFE is itself a problem that warrants addressing now. Does that by itself, apart from the arthritis, give you problems and limit your activities? If it does, then perhaps your docs are onto something in suggesting a THR, since a THR will address both the arthritis and the deformity.
Another thing to consider is whether you want to have more children. Some people have raised questions about whether metal ions can cross the placenta and cause yet unknown problems to a developing fetus. This concern may be exaggerated, and I know that many women who have had resurfacings have gone on to have trouble-free pregnancies, but it's something to keep in mind.