Even though I had a setback in my surgery, I am essentially experiencing right now what you just described. I'm sore from the surgery I had a week ago, but just don't seem to feel the nagging toothache type of pain I used to have in the lower area of my back.
i'm a novice here... but if it helps to know...I too could not sleep well before surgery, or when I did for 10 minutes here or there lying down... just a slight twist or move would jolt me and wake me right up only to try and slip back to sleep again. When it started to impact my sleep more and more each month, I finally gave in and set my appointment to get it done. I did on 10/21/08. My buddy is telling me I don't really know yet what to feel for my lower back since I'm still on Norco for a few more weeks, but I don't sense that tiring/aching feeling from my lower back which eventually included my buttocks and other parts of my lower half, and especially my groin muscle area. Thought I was having a hurnea all over again. For the last three months, it use to feel like someone had driving two icepicks in there, and was prying down on them most of the time. For the last month up to my surgery, my lower back was in constant muscle spasm, which was causing me numbness which started in the bottom arch of my foot, to the back of my leg/hamstring, and one week before I went into surgery, the muscle/tendon just below my knee cap started aching like me knee was going to go out. Most of it has subsided now since my surgery just one week ago. I too am keeping my fingers crossed. I'm not healing nearly as fast as others are here on this board, but some of the ways Percy and others described here was me just over a week ago. My muscles got so tight, it was pulling my lower back out of alignment, then things got really bad and painful, just waiting for my date. For example, before surgery, I would force myself to do 45min of yard work and would find myself hunched over the next day taking 5 days of recovery for the 45 minutes of attempted yard work. Each day I'm becoming more of a believer.