As I was recovering in the hospital, I started getting these heat/sweat rashes the 2nd day after surgery. It seemed about an hour after taking my regular Norco/Hydrocodone pain medication, I would start sweating all over, like crazy. I was also taking Kumaden? for blood thinning to prevent clots once a day. On the 3rd day post-op the sweating and itching got so bad they had to change my sheets and gown and everything to non-alergenic type and tried more hand wash baths and powder. It seemed to stay the same, still itching a bit each day a little more an more and as they sent me home it was not good, but they were hopeful it would go away once I started getting up and around more.
1-week after surgery, I'm at home and start getting larger and larger and increasingly red spots and welts popping up on areas where I sit or lay the most, buttocks, upper back/shoulders, inside of arms. Obviously something really starting to get out of control now and getting worse or esclating. I put up with this for about a day then went into emergency, at a local hospital and they said "wow" I was having a very strong case of hives, and they made up a cocktail off all sorts of stuff (5 things) on an IV drip, and I was there most of the afternoon today, resting, and things started to come under control a bit more, still red, but not swollen or itching nearly as much. I hope to get responses here from others with similar happenings
where it was absolutely determined the cause being meds or sweat, etc. The other reason I ask is I had some organic strawberry juice the day before and the day of this hives incident, and I think I may have a reaction to red dye (40). When we looked on the bottle of blue Gatorade that I had been drinking a lot of since I got home for the hospital, it had Red dye 40 in it too. Meds, Juices, confused. I just seemed like the whole surgery made me extra sensitive to various conditions. Confused, and just trying to figure this out so I can avoid it again in the future

. I keep guessing it's the Norco Pain meds. I took another pain med after I got back from the hospital today, and sure enough, hives started up in a new area for a bit, but not bad and I only took one instead of two pain med pills just to see. Hard to experiment when having pain. Calliny my surgeon in the morning to maybe try a different pain med.
1. Could this just be heat rash that got worse?
2. Does this seem more liek an allergy to the ongoing Norco?
3. Or, could this be left over from the ?Keflexin they gave me the week before in surgery?
4. Or something else like the natural strawberry and Gatorade with Red Dye 40 in it.
Any solid feedback would be appreciated. Thanks, DC