It's finally here. Tomorrow I'll be a bi-lat (LC+ 11-10-06)and (RBHR 11-6-08). I'll finally be OTOS. All prayers, good wishes and positive thoughts gratefully accepted.
I'm excited, nervous and anxious to get on the road to recovery. I have to be at University Community hosp at 10.Will leave here at 8a.m. General = Dipervan will be used, and a posterior lateral position. A nerve block is also used on operated leg. The head is cemented but the cup is not. University Community Hospital has a less than 1% infection rate. Ortho joint replacement floor is seperated from other ortho surgery.
This long journey started over 2 yrs ago when I was almost talked into a total hip. Though the great people on the yahoo surfacehippie list I persevered and found Dr Kennedy to do the C+.
My husbands unplanned death 2 mo's after surgery changed the path I walked which took recovery from physical to emotional. This June pain in the right hip started and I came back to the list and was also directed to Pat's list by the very kind & helpful Vicky Morrow for more information and support. Dr Kennedy has retired from surgery and Dr Raterman has come highly recommended w/over 500 resurfs.
I will try to keep you guys updated on my progress.
I'm grabbing my hat, holding the seat of my pants for this is going to be a life changing ride again.
Sherry LC+ 11-10-06 Kennedy
RBHR 11-06-08 Raterman