The grabber is good for picking up things you drop on the floor too.
A back scrubber is good for scrubbing your legs in the shower before you can bend over.
A light/small backpack is helpful for carrying books and other things around the house, up and down stairs especially.
Several large (maybe 8" x 12"), freezable ice packs are good to have for regular icing after therapy, walking, etc. (I bought 3 or 4 to alternate). I also found it helpful to keep a couple of pillows handy on the couch in my rec room to elevate after walking, etc.
Wedge seat cushions are available that make sitting on straightback chairs more comfortable and will help with <90-degree requirements. I bought mine at the Healthy Back Store.
I bought an adjustable Aeron desk chair that was good and comfortable for sitting up for the first couple of weeks. I could recline a bit without feeling like I was falling back. Only problem with that was the chair has casters, so I had to be careful about it rolling around.
I'd be happy to share my experiences -- all positive.