Hi Gill
Welcome to Hip Talk.
I fought with bad hip pain for 10 years because I did not know about hip resurfacing. I finally got to the point that all I could do was sit. I could hardly even walk from the parking lot of Wal-Mart into the store. I could not sleep at night even with the heavy pain meds like Vicodin. I gave up everything I loved to do from sports to playing my sax in the big band because I could not sit for 3 hours at a time, even with a break.
As soon as I learned about hip resurfacing, I decided to have my hip done. I was 61 and much older than you. I could not even imagine living the life I did at 61 when I was 38. I was very active at your age. Probably that's what wore my hip out. I use to play tennis several times a week, ice skate 3 to 4 times a week and work. Rode my bike and played softball on a mixed team inbetween.
A lot really depends on your own mindset. If you are use to be very active then by all means get your hip done. That's what hip resurfacing is for. To let you get back into life without pain and do whatever you want. It doesn't make any difference what other people think. You have to live with your hip, your body and your pain.
If you are able to live with the pain and don't mind not doing anything, then you could choose to wait.
I can't see why you would wait if you have pain and are restricted in your activities. But that is your decision. You can also wait too long and end up missing the window of opportunity to get a hip resurfacing. It is possible to have so much damage that you can't have a hip resurfacing. The same is true for AVN. There is a stage where it is time to get your hip done. If you wait too long, too much damage has occured.
Your hip resurfacing surgeon would be the right person to explain to you whether you should have your hip done or not. They have the experience. I had my left hip done in 2006 due to OA. My right hip has always hurt some, but nothing like the left. I asked Dr. De Smet if I should get my right done and he told me it was not time. I am still having problems with it and 17 months after my first BHR, Dr. De Smet is still telling me it is not time to have my right hip done. I am not on heavy pain meds for it and can sleep at night. But there are days that I limp. I am on Celebrex again.
So it is a decision that is made between you and your doctor. You really need to find yourself a good hip resurfacing surgeon and get their input. You can get free email consultations from Dr. Bose in India and Dr. De Smet in Belgium if you don't have insurance or just want to use several of the best in the world. Many people travel to them - including me to Dr. De Smet. My surgery and travel expenses cost my hubby and I $16,000. I did not have health insurance. Worth every penny. I put it on my credit cards.
You can check out my doctors list
http://www.surfacehippy.info/listofdoctors.php to find a doctor near you.
Keep in touch and good luck.
Pat in Ohio
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet