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Normalcy after surgery?
« on: November 28, 2008, 08:32:08 PM »
Hello everyone,

I'm putting together my plan for bilateral hip resurfacing surgery. I'll be doing both hips around the same time, one week apart. This going to hit my wallet right in the gut. Lots..'O, lots...'O credit card debt. Which means that I'm going to have to hit the ground running soon after surgery. More than likely I'll be working two jobs.

My question is: How long do I realistically have to being able to work on my feet all day? Is five weeks just a ball park figure for 100% weight bearing. Or, is this 100% weight bearing for a limited time.

I know everyone is different. I guess I'm looking for some glimmer of hope. My basic stats: 36, male, 6 ft, 165lbs, active/regular weight training.


« Last Edit: November 28, 2008, 08:33:42 PM by PGGUICE »


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Re: Normalcy after surgery?
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2008, 11:29:08 PM »
Hi Garth,
I think that you are right to recognize the big variability of recovery for different people.
This is totally anecdotal, but my general practice physician saw me 4 weeks or so after surgery and remarked on my good recovery. I mentioned that I was pretty much an ideal candidate (sounds like you are too). And he replied that surgeon skill was probably also a factor. Just another reason why it's good to do some research into whom you choose to perform the surgery.
I was bilateral but 5 weeks apart, so not entirely the same as you are planning. I know I was walking without a cane somewhere in that 4th week, but I know I was still weak (limping) and would alternate between walking with cane to focus on a normal gait, vs walking without to gain strength.
I don't know how much more difficult it will be for you with the simultaneous bilateral. Another anecdote: in preop, my surgeon made some comment to me that I would probably be one of those patients who tries to get back to work a week after surgery. I hadn't considered that, but after he mentioned that, it was almost like a challenge.  I was back to my desk job 1 week after my 1st surgery and 10 days after the 2nd.
In my opinion, 5 weeks is WAY on the aggressive side of recovery for working on your feet all day. But it may be possible if everything goes right (for e.g., on my 2nd surgery I developed an allergic reaction to the incision glue, and that set me back a few days).
I'm sure some others who have had simultaneous bilat and/or who have returned to on-your-feet work can provide better info.
One other aside. Depending on your insurance, one thing that helped me out was scheduling surgery early in the year. I hit my out-of-pocket limit right away, and then had follow-ups etc fully covered.
Keep lookin' up,
Bilat 02/08, 03/08, Dr. Ball, ASR
Bilateral 02/08, 03/08, Dr. Ball


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Re: Normalcy after surgery?
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2008, 11:57:53 PM »
Hey Garth,
I too had bi-lat surgery but on the same day. Right now I am 3 weeks out from surgery.The way I feel right now being on my feet all day would probably be tough but every day I get stronger and stronger and can now walk without a cane(I always carry it with me when I walk just in case I feel a need to rest).Plus I do not want to over do it as I've read people get set backs when they over do it.In two more weeks I would think it could be possible to be on your feet all day as long as you could sit every now and then. I'm 5'4" and weigh 132 lbs

11-7-08  Bilat/Dr.Ball/ASR


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Re: Normalcy after surgery?
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2008, 11:25:06 AM »
Thanks for the quick response guys.

Right now I am a working as carpenter after working as a chef for almost ten years. So, working on my feet and doing active work is all I know. I'm working on that. Looking for a new job now, maybe two. Because I probably won't be making much. I'll have to keep on saving my pennies, so I can afford not to work for a while.

Also, what about assisted standing/walking with a cane or crutches. I have no problem with either if I can find a job that will allow me to use them.


P.S. No insurance, looking to go over seas for surgery. Will be sending Dr. De Smet my films when I have my follow up in two weeks.

John C

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Re: Normalcy after surgery?
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2008, 01:37:19 PM »
Hi Garth,
I only had one hip done, and my initial recovery was a little slow. Six weeks was the soonest that I could have considered working on my feet all day.

John/ Left uncemented Biomet/ Dr Gross/ 6-16-08
Right uncemented Biomet/Dr Gross/ 4/25/18


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Re: Normalcy after surgery?
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2008, 05:55:51 PM »
I agree with John C.

I will be 7 weeks post op (right hip) on Mon and only felt ready to go back to work at 6 weeks post op.
I still have not gone back however as I have surgery on my left hip scheduled for Dec 8th.

I decided to take the whole time off work to ensure complete recovery. I am an RN and my job is very challenging both physically and mentally. Though I've been in pain which was severe at times I've managed to get through the last few years taking only 1 day off work sick due to my hip problem. I have the paid sick leave available but I'm sure if I didn't I'd have gone back before I was really ready.

Good luck with your surgery and I would advise taking off as much time as you can. It takes a while for those bones and muscles to heal.

RBHR 10/13/2008. LBHR 12/08/2008. LBHR revision 1/18/2010, LTHR 9/23 2011, RTHR 12/16 2011............
Dr Pritchet, Seattle


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Re: Normalcy after surgery?
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2008, 06:15:17 PM »
Taking 2 months (or longer) off work will be no easy task. If this is the case I'll have to postpone surgery for as long as possible saving money. I'm going to look into disability insurance, which is probably a no go with a pre-existing condition. However, it is still worth a shot.



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