Hi Karen,
Let me add to the congratulations! This is Dirk, a fellow Phoenix-area 'surface-hippy.' I think one lesson any prospective pre-surgery folks can take from your story is the ability to take charge of your health care. You've put a lot of effort into optimizing your chances for a successful major surgery, and you will enjoy the benefits for decades - hopefully the rest of your life.
Too bad you inquired about getting back on the road on your bike.

I didn't, and I recall the joy of just riding a 1/2 mile around the neighborhood after 2 or 3 months. That said, I mostly took the advice of our favorite therapist and didn't do any serious riding on the road until muscles were rehabbed enough to provide good balance.
These first few weeks are the worst. You have a big gash in your skin, your muscles have been shoved around and in some cases cut and stitched. It feels like you have a brick in your buttock. But your recovery during these first weeks is also the fastest. Recovery is great. Enjoy your early milestones, such as being able to sit on a bed and lift your leg. As mentioned in another conversation w/ you, after that 1/2 yr mark, the milestones become more subtle, but you'll enjoy them just as much: comfort in TT position, an extra inch of inclination or proneness that now feels normal when a month previous you had to make a conscious effort to get and stay at that point. My daily thankfulness for the surgery has lately been playing badminton w/ my kids. Before the surgery, I would have either turned down the opportunities or been in pain and a bad mood after hobbling around the court at 1/3 speed. Now it's 'bring it on, kid!'
Best wishes for a speedy recovery and a return to active life, and I'll see you on the road (relatively) soon,
Bilat ASR, Dr. Ball, 02/07, 03/07