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It is done! R hip Biomet uncemented, Dr Gross, Dec 3
« on: December 07, 2008, 07:08:00 PM »
I am on the other side!  Flew home (Phoenix) from South Carolina yesterday.  I had my resurfacing on Wed, Dec 3. The airport travel on Sat, Dec 6 was do-able, but took a lot out of me. I m having more pain today than I had hoped.  I read a lot of your stories about not having any post op pain and I am jealous! ;)  I felt great until the surgery numbing juice wore off.  So someone please tell me this will pass quickly!
I may have overdone it the last couple of days.  I was up walking some pretty good distances full weight bearing, with crutches.  Today I am not so much with the walking!  :-\
I have to learn how to do the signature in my posts.  How does it go?  R Biomet U/C Gross 12/3/08?  Someone straighten me out on that!
R / Biomet UC / Dr Gross / 12-3-08


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Re: It is done! R hip Biomet uncemented, Dr Gross, Dec 3
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2008, 07:53:20 PM »
Congratulations, KarenZ!  I'm glad it went so well for you.  Now the hard thing will be having the patience to hold yourself back.  From what I'm hearing, the protocol is elevate, ice, and rest, at least for the first week.

I have surgery planned, also with Dr. Gross, in March, so it is especially good to hear about your positive experience.

If you don't mind my asking, what made you decide to go with the uncemented implant rather than the cemented one?  I am in the midst of deciding this now for myself, and I'm very interested in learning how other people decided.

As for your signature, click the "Profile" button near the top and then click "Forum Profile Information" under the "Modify Profile" section, which appears at the left side of the window.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2008, 08:01:39 PM by Bionic »


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Re: It is done! R hip Biomet uncemented, Dr Gross, Dec 3
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2008, 01:00:34 PM »
Hi Bionic,
You are going to be very pleased with Dr Gross and his team.  They made me feel very confident and comfortable.
My decision to go uncemented was confirmed after I met with Dr Gross the day before my surgery.  When I chose Dr Gross I was 90% sure I was going uncemented just because that seemed to be his specialty.  I read a lot about it and talked to some folks who had opted for uncemented and the more I learned the more good sense the uncemented method made to me.  Dr Gross told me on the phone that he had not done a cemented hip in over one year.  At that point I knew that if I ws going cemmeted I ws going to find another surgeon.  I really liked Dr Gross' experience, education, research, and personality.  I wanted him to do my surgery and if he believed in uncemented, then that was the way I was going to go.  Once I met him and saw the implant there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted uncemented.  He really knows his stuff and he is passionate about uncemented.
I admit that at first glance I was not interested in being a test subject.  But my research kept bringing me back to Dr Gross.  This was my process.  I am interested in hearing about yours!
R / Biomet UC / Dr Gross / 12-3-08


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Re: It is done! R hip Biomet uncemented, Dr Gross, Dec 3
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2008, 10:11:36 PM »

I've been thinking of you, and I'm so glad to see that everything went well.   The key now is patience -take it easy and listen to your body.  I have to remind myself all the time - you've just had major surgery! And I'm a few months ahead of you.....   Before you know it you'll be back to exercising with the Ironman in mind!

Take advantage of the polar ice machine - it really helped me keep the swelling down.  Take care and let me know how you're doing.



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Re: It is done! R hip Biomet uncemented, Dr Gross, Dec 3
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2008, 05:17:36 PM »
Hi Laurie!
I've been thinking a lot about you too.  I really appreciated your phone message, I got it as I was sitting in the airport waiting to board the plane to South Carolina. Every time I get on my crutches I think about your graciousness. And, that reach and grab gadget is awesome!  I've had so many questions to ask you these last few days but haven't had the energy to pick up the phone.  Emailing and texting seem to be easier to manage right now, somehow.
I appreciate your advice to be patient.  I must admit I am struggling with that a bit.  I am surprised just how wiped out I am and how little I can do. I was thinking I would be able to go out and do some Christmas shopping in the next few weeks... is that an unrealistic goal?  I am hoping that the wellness curve steepens after this first week.  I am getting that this first week is just about surgery recovery; rest and get some strength back.  But surely I will be able to walk farther than around my living room by next week, right?  I stopped taking the Vicodin and am able to manage the muscle pain with Tylenol but I sure don't go very far on my walks.  Two times around the living room and dining room is about the extent of it right now.  I am experimenting with one crutch, 2 are so inconvenient, but I don't see being able to walk very far with one any time soon.  I came down with a cold the last 2 days, so that doesn't help with the energy problem either.  How's that for a slurry of impatience?! ;)
I do feel better each day.  My leg started feeling more like a leg and less like a stump today.  I am able to move it around without anything but muscle pain, the surgery pain seems to be gone.  My quad is the worst.  I just rub it and talk nice to it and it gets me where I need to be though!
Thanks for keeping in touch with me.  It is great to have someone further down the path to guide me (and reel me in)!
R / Biomet UC / Dr Gross / 12-3-08

Pat Walter

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Re: It is done! R hip Biomet uncemented, Dr Gross, Dec 3
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2008, 09:17:04 PM »
Hi Karen

Congratulations on your new hip.

It takes most people quite awhile to gain their energy level back.  I was able to walk about 1 mile by 12 days post op - but that was it.  My energy level was so low that all I mostly did was nap.  It took me almost 6 months to get mine all back, but I was 61 when I had my resurfacing.

You just have to give your body time to heal.  Be patient.

Good Luck.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: It is done! R hip Biomet uncemented, Dr Gross, Dec 3
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2008, 09:33:55 PM »

You're cold probably doesn't help, but your energy will come back soon.  Give yourself 1-2 weeks to start feeling like a person again.  Every day gets a bit better.  And remember, everyone heals at a different rate.  Just listen to your body.  I pushed myself to go a little further every day and backed off if I got too tired or if something hurt.  I tried walking short distances with 1 crutch, then the cane...  eventually the leg felt good enough to go without.   The key for me was to push myself but never to the point where I hurt or got too tired. I never needed any pain pills or even Tylenol I think because I didn't push too far.  While I have a high pain threshold, I don't like pain (who does) so I tried very hard not to do anything that would cause the leg to "throb".  Just do yourself a big favor - don't compare your progress with anyone else.  It doesn't matter.  You will get there on YOUR time! 

I went grocery shopping (with the help of a friend) a couple days after I got home (not power shopping mind you!), and started driving at about 2 weeks.  I also started going to the gym at about 2 weeks.  I did some upper body work (nothing where I had to sit) and walked laps (first with one crutch then with the cane).  I think I started off with 3 laps (1/4 mile) and eventually at 3-4 weeks I was doing a mile.  I also started walking outside the first week with the crutches - a hundred yards maybe max? I found just getting out of the house and getting fresh air helped my energy level and mindset.  Every day got better and better .

I laugh when you talk about your quad.  Remember our discussion when I said that my quad gave me the most trouble?  AND it still does.....  mind you its so much better and once I started doing weights it got even better, but based on the many posts I've read, that muscle pain can take 9-12 months to finally cease.  Patience, patience, patience. 

Call me when you're ready! 




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Re: It is done! R hip Biomet uncemented, Dr Gross, Dec 3
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2008, 09:45:13 PM »
Hey Karen,

Congratulations on your new hip. It's a great time to recover in Arizona! Come on down to Tucson when you're ready and we'll ride Mt Lemmon!

take care,



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Re: It is done! R hip Biomet uncemented, Dr Gross, Dec 3
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2008, 12:29:49 AM »
Hi Karen,
Congratulations on the hip and Welcome to Surface Hippydom!  I'm pretty sure that I replied to one of your initial posts when you were inquiring about Dr. Gross.

Be patient with yourself during your recovery.  Don't worry about doing things like Christmas Shopping right now.  Focus on what's best for your recovery - Good Nutrition, Lots of Sleep and Light Exercise/Physical Therapy Exercises/Walking.  Your body has been through a very traumatic surgery and there's a lot of healing and repair work going on.  A lot of that repair and healing occurs during sleep.  So, get lots of it!  Oh, and use your Polar Care!

I'm now about 3 1/2 months post-op.  Woohoo!  I'm a little nervous about those findings that came out based on the Australian Registry of Patients.  I'm sure you saw discussion about it on this site.  Basically, the finding is that those patients that have a femoral component smaller that 50mm are at a much higher risk of fracture than larger folks, or those fitted with a femoral component that was at least 50mm.  Well, I'm a small woman and my femoral component size is only 42mm.  So, I'm a little nervous about my risk and I'm just being very careful and conservative for these first 6 months.  But, I'm feeling really great so far.  I am going to physical therapy to perfect my walk.  Over the years, my left leg had developed some very specific weakness as I compensated for my hip for so long.  My left leg still rotates internally a little bit during my stride, partly due to some specific weaknesses and partly due to habit. But, now with the big problem fixed, I can fix this other stuff.

Good Luck with your recovery.  I look forward to following your progress!



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Re: It is done! R hip Biomet uncemented, Dr Gross, Dec 3
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2008, 02:23:02 PM »
Thanks Jeanie, Spencer, Laurie, & Pat! I really appreciate your support.
I suppose I am in the process of learning what my body can handle.  I over did it yesterday as evidenced by the muscle soreness I feel today. I need to hear you all tell me to take it easy.  As a cyclist I am accustomed to pushing myself and making myself suffer to improve.  I'm realizing that is not such a good recipe for recovery from Hip Resurfacing!
I can't wait to join you on Mt Lemmon Spencer!  I see on the race calendar that June 29 is the Mt Lemmon TT. I won't be ready to race by then.  Dr Gross says no riding on the road for 6 months.  He is rather conservative, afraid I'll crash and fracture the hip.  I'll train indoors as much as I can, I get bored out of my mind on the trainer though. If I have to ride indoors I use Rollers.  But Dr G says no Rollers either, for 6 months. Maybe I'll start doing some spin classes like you do! I'll need to get some training under my belt, but I'll be ready to chase you up Mt Lemmon in no time! ;)
I feel better just thinking about it!  I am going to be SO happy to get back on my bike.
Even with all this soreness today I can tell that my hip moves much differently than before.  I have lost that "hitch in my giddy-up"!  I can't wait to feel the full effects of my surgery.  It is going to be so rewarding to walk without pain and a limp! That is worth waiting for.  I'm optimistic that week 2 will bring less limitation and pain.  I will be patient.
I've been keeping a journal of sorts and will put it up on the Hip Stories section.  Do I just respond to Pat under that topic in these posts and she puts it up for me?  Can I keep adding to it in the weeks to come?
Thanks again!

R / Biomet UC / Dr Gross / 12-3-08


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Re: It is done! R hip Biomet uncemented, Dr Gross, Dec 3
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2008, 04:19:43 PM »

Sounds good to me! Let me know if you want me to send you trainer workouts. I could scale them to time and intensity as you indicate.

take care,



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Re: It is done! R hip Biomet uncemented, Dr Gross, Dec 3
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2008, 06:10:09 PM »
Take it easy, after all your only 7 days post op. You will have plenty of time in the very near future to ride as far as you can go. You should take this time to relax as much as possible because hectic everyday life will come back sooner than you think. I was very cautious the first 4 weeks, met with the doc and he gave me the green light to really push myself as long as I don't cross my legs. Since than I've pushed myself fairly hard and have noticed flexibilty and leg strength are really improving.

11-7-08  Bilat/Dr.Ball/ASR


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Re: It is done! R hip Biomet uncemented, Dr Gross, Dec 3
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2008, 09:07:55 PM »
Wow! Thanks Spencer!  That is a very gracious offer.  I just may take you up on it when I am ready!

Wayne-O, Thank you for the reality check. I needed to hear that! I like what you said about hectic everyday life coming back soon. Maybe I should view this as an opportunity to check out for a while :)   

I am just surprised by the muscle pain.  How long should I expect it to last?  Surely it gets better, right??? :-\  Does walking on the sore muscles make it better or worst? 
Is it normal?  Am I over-reacting?
R / Biomet UC / Dr Gross / 12-3-08


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Re: It is done! R hip Biomet uncemented, Dr Gross, Dec 3
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2008, 09:16:09 PM »
Muscle pain, some clicking, clunking and even swelling can be just some of the things that you might go through.

Lee told me that there is a magic day and it's between 7 and day 11 that that monkey fist and the muscles start to feel better.  Your body is still doing a lot of healing, ignore some of the people that say they healed and rehabed in just a few weeks. 

This is not a 100 yard dash but more like a marathon where you need to pace yourself and relax, you will heal in due time, in YOUR time.

By all means if your pain level gets too much take some of those pain pills you got at Longs drug store.

On Christmas day I want you to post how you feel then, then compare how you feel now.  You'll be amazed.


RH/Biomet U/C Dr. Gross/Lee Webb


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Re: It is done! R hip Biomet uncemented, Dr Gross, Dec 3
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2008, 09:27:39 PM »
Thank you Chuck!  Thats what I needed to hear.  First I heard about the day 7 to 11 magic; I have some hope now.  I almost asked you what a monkey fist is... but I think I understand!
Lee Webb really impressed me.  In our 20 minute session she gave me more insight in to my hip problems than any health care professional I have seen in the 5 years I have been dealing with this hip.  She is sharp!
Not to take anything from Dr Gross, he sure does know his stuff.  I just saw Lee first and she answered all my questions.  When Dr G came in I really didn't have any questions left.  That didn't bother him though, he still sat and talked with my husband and I for 20 or 30 minutes about my surgery. He is great.  They all were great!  Can't leave out Nancy!  How efficient is she?!
I'll be sure to post on Christmas day!
Happy Holidays and thanks again!
R / Biomet UC / Dr Gross / 12-3-08


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Re: It is done! R hip Biomet uncemented, Dr Gross, Dec 3
« Reply #15 on: December 10, 2008, 09:51:26 PM »

Nancy and Lee are great.  My daughter loved Nancy and her accent, so did my wife and I.  Nancy is like the energizer bunny.   :)

Your feelings like "when am I going to get better" are very normal, I think a lot of us went through what you are feeling and it's all part of rehabbing.  I bet Christmas day you will be amazed how many things you're able to do that you could not now.

Lee is one of the most caring people I've ever met, it's funny, I had the same thing happen, Lee pretty much took care of my questions, then when Dr. Gross came in I told him that Lee told me my arthritis was gone and I could go home... he actually almost took me serious, but I started laughing. 

I kind of feel bad for Dr. Gross and all doctors like him, they probably get all the same questions day after day and still answer them like they have never been asked it.  Dr. Gross by phone and in person always seems like he is going to sit down and he won't leave until we were satisfied.  I talked with Dr. Gross on the phone for the better part of 45 minutes, he never seemed like he had to be anywhere.

It's kind of funny, my wife and daughter had so much fun during my surgery week that I think they secretly want my left hip to go on me now.  My wife and daughter got to meet the young lady who posts under the username LM "Laurie" and her friend who helped her out-- Laurie was operated on Monday before me so they were all partying and laughing it up while I was being all cut up on Wednesday  :D 

I want to hear all the neat things you can do Christmas day Karen.



RH/Biomet U/C Dr. Gross/Lee Webb


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Re: It is done! R hip Biomet uncemented, Dr Gross, Dec 3
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2008, 01:55:02 PM »
Chuck- You are so right about Dr. Gross.  I had my surgery the day before the big hip conferance this fall.  I knew he would be leaving the day after my surgery, but went ahead anyway because I didn't want to wait any longer.  Well I had the late in the day surgery on Wed. Oct. 24th.  I came out of recovery around 3 or 4 and was dozing off and on all evening.  I woke once a little after 11 pm I think it was and there was Dr. Gross waiting for me just to make sure I was doing great before he left the next morning.   I don't think a lot of Dr.'s would go that extra mile. 
left biomet Dr. Gross 10-22-08


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Re: It is done! R hip Biomet uncemented, Dr Gross, Dec 3
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2008, 02:42:02 PM »
Hi Karen,
Let me add to the congratulations! This is Dirk, a fellow Phoenix-area 'surface-hippy.' I think one lesson any prospective pre-surgery folks can take from your story is the ability to take charge of your health care. You've put a lot of effort into optimizing your chances for a successful major surgery, and you will enjoy the benefits for decades - hopefully the rest of your life.
Too bad you inquired about getting back on the road on your bike.  :) I didn't, and I recall the joy of just riding a 1/2 mile around the neighborhood after 2 or 3 months. That said, I mostly took the advice of our favorite therapist and didn't do any serious riding on the road until muscles were rehabbed enough to provide good balance.
These first few weeks are the worst. You have a big gash in your skin, your muscles have been shoved around and in some cases cut and stitched. It feels like you have a brick in your buttock. But your recovery during these first weeks is also the fastest. Recovery is great. Enjoy your early milestones, such as being able to sit on a bed and lift your leg. As mentioned in another conversation w/ you, after that 1/2 yr mark, the milestones become more subtle, but you'll enjoy them just as much: comfort in TT position, an extra inch of inclination or proneness that now feels normal when a month previous you had to make a conscious effort to get and stay at that point. My daily thankfulness for the surgery has lately been playing badminton w/ my kids. Before the surgery, I would have either turned down the opportunities or been in pain and a bad mood after hobbling around the court at 1/3 speed. Now it's 'bring it on, kid!'
Best wishes for a speedy recovery and a return to active life, and I'll see you on the road (relatively) soon,
Bilat ASR, Dr. Ball, 02/07, 03/07
Bilateral 02/08, 03/08, Dr. Ball


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Re: It is done! R hip Biomet uncemented, Dr Gross, Dec 3
« Reply #18 on: December 13, 2008, 05:43:46 PM »
Hey Dirk!
Good to hear from you.  Do you remember our first conversation when you told me about the shot you have to give yourself in the stomach for the first 10 days post op?  And I said, "I can assure you I will not be giving myself a shot in the stomach!"  Well, I think of you every day when my husband gives me that darn shot!  That proves that I am wiling to go to any lengths to have a good hip, right?!
I can't thank you enough for all you did for me.  Turning me on to this website, for sure!
I am happy to hear you are doing so well.  Did you ride El Tour?  I didn't see you there, funny I couldn't pick you out of the 9000 cyclists! ;)
I'd love to get together and go for a ride when I am back in the saddle.
Thanks again Dirk!
R / Biomet UC / Dr Gross / 12-3-08


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Re: It is done! R hip Biomet uncemented, Dr Gross, Dec 3
« Reply #19 on: December 25, 2008, 01:31:15 PM »
Merry Christmas!  I said I would be sure to post on xmas day, in hopes I would have something good to report.  Chuck was right about the 7 - 11 day improvement.  It was about day 10 for me.  I really turned a corner that day. 
I am happy to report that I am feeling much better.  I still have decreased energy and not quite myself yet.  But my leg pain is much better.  In fact my leg feels like a part of my body now instead of the stump I had to manually move around.  I can lift it (with my knee bent), bend it behind me, even move around in bed pretty well.  The monkey fist (love that term) is gone for the most part, only comes back temporarily when I push it a bit; ice takes care of it when it flares up. 
I am able to drive and run short errands.  I even went xmas shopping a couple of times and was able to stay out for 3 hours at one stretch. My mother and my husband were kind enough to carry my bags and open doors for me. On my own I use a back pack to carry my stuff and can still be pretty self sufficient, but it's nice to let family and friends help me out.  That isn't something I do much, let other people help me.  So it is a good thing for me to do!
I am using the cane now. Graduating from 2 crutches to one and then to the cane was a bit of trial and error.  I have finally figured out that slow and easy is the way to go.  That has been a lot of trial and error too.
Today, at 3 weeks and one day post op, I am feeling very optimistic and grateful that I had the surgery.  I still have a long way to go and will be very happy when the day comes that I do not need a cane and do not walk with a limp.  That limp really disturbed me, so I am very committed to walking without one! If that means using the cane a little longer, then that is what I will do.
I don't know what I would do without all of you.  You are such a lifeline to hope and sanity. I had some dark times those first couple of weeks and your kind words and support helped me immensely.  Thank you.
I'm going to go cook some turkey and spend the day with my family.
I wish you all love, laughs, and joy today!
R / Biomet UC / Dr Gross / 12-3-08



Dr. Pritchett Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 10,000 hip resurfacings

Dr. Gross of SC Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 6000 hip resurfacings

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