Hi Frosty
I am not sure what surgeons you are talking with. I can tell you that if you have your heart set on hip resurfacing and have a difficult hip problem, only the most experienced hip resurfacing surgeons will give you a hip resurfacing.
You may need to consider traveling beyond your own state to get what you want. You are still young at 51 and certainly should be considering a resurfacing if possible.
Look at my list and look for the really experineced surgeons. Many of them will give you free email consulatations - some will even call you on the phone. I would be looking at surgoens like Dr. Rogerson since he is close to you, Dr. Gross, Dr. Mont, Dr. Su and some of the overseas surgeons like Dr. De Smet and Dr. Bose. Remember - they will all give you a free consultation. If you find they don't feel you are a good candidate - then you start considering a MOM THR. Until you know for sure from the best in the world, don't be confused - invest some time in trying to get input that will give you the solution you want.
Here is my list of surgeons with all of their info
http://www.surfacehippy.info/listofdoctors.phpThere are also other surgeons on the West Coast that will consider giving difficult patients resurfacing too like Dr. Ure or Dr. Schmalzried, Dr. Amstutz, etc.
Make sure the best tell you that you are not a candidate - not the inexperienced newer surgeons. They don't want to take any chance of having a failure which is in your best interest. So go to the top docs and see if you are a candidate.