I just wanted to let people know that this discussion group is fairly new. There are 116 members right now. Most of the new memebers have not had a hip resurfacing yet. They join to ask questions. Since there are only a few experienced hip resurfacing members right now, Pat tries to make sure everyone gets an answer to their questions.
Pat had her hip resurfacing in Belgium with Dr. De Smet in 2006. She did not have health insurance and could not afford surgery in the US. She was 61 years old at the time.
For the last 3 years, she has reasearched hip resurfacing on the internet and posted much of the information on her website Surface Hippy
http://www.surfacehippy.infoPat also belongs to the large Yahoo Surface Hippy Group
There are over 6000 memebers there with many experienced surface hippies. She started this Hip Talk group to be a smaller, more personal group, but if you need or want answers from a large group of people, that is a wonderful group to join.
If you join the Yahoo Surface Hippy Group be prepared to received over 100 emails a day. You can choose how to read the email when you join. If you decide to receive emails in your Outlook Explorer - make a folder for the emails so they don't get all mixed with your regular mail. You can also choose to receive a condensed version or just go to the Yahoo website and read them there. Then you don't get hundreds of emails a day.
It is sometimes overwhelming to try to keep up with all the mail on that group, but it is very informative. That is where I get a lot of personal stories and information for my website. I always ask permission to post other peoples stories.
If you are a member of this group, I do hope you will stay with us after your hip resurfacing. Your experience can be of great help to new people with many questions about hip resurfacing.
Pat in Ohio
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet