Hi Jim,
Hey I am glad all is well. Peace of mind is the best pillow.
I am so glad that you responded with exactly what you were told. By doing so all patients will learn from what you posted. We've had other patients post problems and even though nobody wants a fellow surface hippy to have problems and everyone learns from the experiences of others, whether they be good or bad.
I had my surgery August 6th. I am doing well, sometimes, or should I say often I have startup stiffness/minor aches if I've been sitting for a while. Other than that my right hip (operated one) is the best joint in my body. I played a lot of sports when I was young, football, wrestling, baseball and a number of other sports that have left my joints very sore at times. I actually feel better standing now which is a complete opposite of what I used to be.
Please stick around, especially when you're starting to really come around, you are early in rehab right now but things will get a LOT better. You got operated on by one of the best in this country, actually probably one of the top 10 in the world Jim. You cannot beat the rest of the Gross crew either. Nancy, Lee and the rest of Dr. Gross's staff are just downright great folk.
If I may ask, please continue to post your progress and if you see somone post something that sounds like what you've dealt with, please, post a response. This is a support forum and we need those who have been through it to post their ideas. We have a lot of great people on this forum and they are a huge help. We all need support sometimes and it sure helps when you are being supported by people who have walked the same road we have.
Keep up the great rehab.
Hey, I'm reallllly glad you were on line and told me to call. An on call doc called me back within 5 minutes.
He explained that the lump is probably blood draining from the surgery and will disperse in time. The skin flushing is from not using the muscles in my leg (since I'm 10% weight bearing on crutches so long and can also be dispursed blood form the incision (wound) that is draining down the fascia. All normal happenings post surgery...
So man, Do I feel relieved.
I see that you had Dr. Gross do your hip as well! How long ago and how are you doing?
Thank you again Chuck...God bless you!