Teenage Basketball Player Receives a Hip Resurfacing From Dr. Pritchett 2023
Sometimes a picture or even a video is not worth a thousand words or even a few sentences. Just the same, patient’s reports about their surgical experience represent the missing link for patients making the difficult decision about whether to have surgery or the procedure to select. Hearing from patients in their own words is the most powerful way to learn. There is a difference between getting better and getting well. An unedited-volunteered description is the way to capture the flavor of whether the patient actually gets well in a way meaningful to their life. Patients prefer learning from the experiences of patients who a “like them.” Many times patients rely on emotions, basing choices on a general feel for surgeons. Patient reports often describe the bedside manner, professionalism, caring attitudes and treatment style. Every patients understands that a physician who is rate 5 stars for communication is better than explaining and listening than one with 4 stars. But how much is the additional star worth if the physician scores worse in other areas. A significant issue in finding quality from rating is the role the physicians themselves play in influencing the ratings. Some methods such a “best” doctors awards are more like a beauty contest. Rating systems themselves are do not collect data objectively. Physicians may have their staff collect the feedback and inevitably this is positive. Rating enhancement consultants can be hired to build or protect a physician’s reputations. Quality does exist but until we have better ways to identify it volunteered comments in the patient’s own works may be the best way. This video was volunteered by the patient himself and his family.