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9 weeks post op - Dr Mont
« on: January 05, 2010, 01:50:59 AM »
Well Wed will be 9 weeks,, I had been doing wonderful,, no crutch no limp and walking almost a mile a day , ,Pt 3 times a week,, Incision site is wonderful,, I bought a new car last week with bucket seats that forced me to sit at about a 115 degrees,,  By friday I was hurting in the groin or crease of my thigh and body ,, Tonight when I go to move it off the bed it feels like I just left surgery.. I have no idea how I can do so good and then go from 60-0 again,, I had just walked the mall from one end to the other,, It does seem like a muscle or ligament there and PT agrees the seat probally caused it but this makes no sense,, I still get clunk or roll over of the muscle in there,, it had almost left also,, its like I am back to square one,, I hope its temp cause everyone has been telling me,, NO WAY you had hip surgery 8 weeks ago.. I did and was doing great,, This leaves me to believe there is no way we can get out and be really active on them,, yes I want to be somewhat active but I am going to be glad to just walk long long distances,, The pain tonight really makes me wrench in pain,, I have to clue how that degress of pain can be back,,  I was doing so good last week I was ready to schedule the left one.  I love I can come here and vent.. Dr Mont used steri strips on me and I tell you , ,they came off within 3 -4 week and the wound was perfect,, the scar is like a pin stripe but I tell you what,, I am scared to brag on anything,, I really am,, the only thing that was holding be back last week was my left one that need resurface,, other than that I was walking and doing unreal. I know I did nothing but that seat,, I just hope it is something that simple.. This will be amazing if it holds up and works,, I have loved using the new one to stand on now when the left hurts,, been a long time since I have done that since the right was the worse and that is behind me now,, ( I hope and pray ) hehe ,, got to laugh to keep from crying tonight,, the pain is unreal,, and its been 9 weeks,
« Last Edit: January 05, 2010, 02:11:49 AM by daddys_hip »
Dr. Mont Nov 4th 2009 Stryker Cormet,, R. Hip
Dr. Mont Jan 11th 2010 Stryker Accolate Revision R. Hip


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Re: 9 weeks post op - Dr Mont
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2010, 08:37:25 AM »
If Mont allows it, ice and ibuprofen for a couple of days, assuming Mont allows iburprophen, if that pain does not go away get Mont to give you a script for some x-rays to make sure everything is fine.

You may have just inflamed some muscles and ligaments pushing it too much, it's not all that uncommon.

RH/Biomet U/C Dr. Gross/Lee Webb

Pat Walter

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Re: 9 weeks post op - Dr Mont
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2010, 09:40:22 AM »
Hi Steve

You are still in healing mode.  It is amazing how every new thing you do can mean changes in the muscles and ligaments around the hip.  Even getting in and out of the new car may have been different motion than the old car.  It is most likely temporary.  I agree with Chuck, ice and take some ibupropen for awhile. The NSAIDs like Advil, Asprin, etc. help any inflamation unlike Tylenol.  If you are not sure, give Mont's office a call and ask.  He can give you a script for celebrex if it is ongoing for awhile.  Hoefully, it will resolve itself soon. 

Lots of people have problems when they do new things after surgery. Remember that it takes a good 6 months to get mostly back to normal and a full year for full healing.  You are still early in your recovery.  Don't get too carried away and push too hard on anything.  Listen to your body.

As Chuck said, if it goes on too long, you can always have some x-rays, but I am sure Mont will want you to give it a little time to get better.  Of course, I am not a doctor and can't give medical advice, but I do know patience goes a long ways.

Stay in touch.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: 9 weeks post op - Dr Mont
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2010, 10:42:42 AM »
Oh from the post I read and youtube you would think I would be water sking by now,, I knew this was too good to be true,, yea the recovery is a LOT longer than I could ever imagine,, I might as well get the other one done so they can heal together,, if I wait too long I will never reset this pain and setbacks,, no way ,, I just hope when its all said and done it was all worth it,, I just want to walk and enjoy and climb stairs and have few limits., NO I dont want to water ski but I do want to be able to do things that are reasonable,,

thanks you guys keep you posted,, still in pain this morn,

« Last Edit: January 05, 2010, 10:44:10 AM by daddys_hip »
Dr. Mont Nov 4th 2009 Stryker Cormet,, R. Hip
Dr. Mont Jan 11th 2010 Stryker Accolate Revision R. Hip


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Re: 9 weeks post op - Dr Mont
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2010, 12:34:00 PM »
I'm 9 weeks today, aching today after gym yesterday (only low impact stuff) but ok otherwise, but recovery is harder than I thought it was going to be, are you swimming because that really seems to help 20 mins every day breast stroke
LBHR 27/10/09 Mr Mcminn


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Re: 9 weeks post op - Dr Mont
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2010, 01:46:03 PM »
I am about 14 weeks out...had my left hip done on Oct 1st.  I was doing great (other than a tender incision) up until 2 weeks ago.  It snowed here and I went out and used the snowblower for about an hour.  The day after and for about a week, I felt like I went downhill fast.  I must have used muscle(s) that I hadn't used in a very long time while manuevering that thing around in the snow.  Sore in the groin area, ouside of the hip, and that clunking feeling came back.  Last week I started a comeback so be patient....it takes time.   Looking forward to the spring when I will be 6 months out and also done with this sh**ty weather! ;D


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Re: 9 weeks post op - Dr Mont
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2010, 03:37:31 PM »
What you folks are all saying is typical, people go out in the 6-14 week period post-op and they push a little and they get inflammation in their operated area and all of the muscles and tendons associated with the surgery.  This is not the end of the world, it's usually just a bump in the rehab road.

Stop watching the "miracle recoveries" as only a small % of people actually have it that easy, too many so called "patient advocates" on the net push these miracles and then wonder why people get upset when their recovery does not match some guy who can ride a bike for 100 miles straight 6 weeks post-op.

Everyone rehabs at different rates, and of course all of us have different pain thresholds too.  Don't get down, remember the tortoise finished the race and he lives longer than the hare.

Steve, ice the heck out of that hip for 2-3 days take something for the inflammation if Mont allows you to.

RH/Biomet U/C Dr. Gross/Lee Webb


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Re: 9 weeks post op - Dr Mont
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2010, 04:08:07 PM »
yea chuck he just came back Jill did in email and said Dr Mont does not like you taking them first few weeks but after that it was fine,, With me being 9 weeks out she said it was fine,, I really did not push this or do anything crazy.. have no idea why it flared and has the clunky sound again,, I had a bump at first about 2 weeks out but that went away fast and was doing great,, I guess like all say ,, things used that have not been used in a while,, that Ibu worked a miracle today but I can now feel it getting stiff in the upper groin as I lay across the bed and type this,, I do think I need to get in the pool,, the weather is so cold I hate to go to the Y..

thanks everyone,, I know this is going to be good long term.. its like a miracle it really is,  iced it off and on for an hour last night.. Director of a PT clinic here I am friends with said to try HEAT,, what do you all think ?
« Last Edit: January 05, 2010, 04:10:07 PM by daddys_hip »
Dr. Mont Nov 4th 2009 Stryker Cormet,, R. Hip
Dr. Mont Jan 11th 2010 Stryker Accolate Revision R. Hip


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Re: 9 weeks post op - Dr Mont
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2010, 04:22:25 PM »
If somehow you caused something to flare up, ice and ibu will help, heat later on when you feel stiff--- although I am NOT A DOCTOR. 

Take the max ibuprophen that your doctor allows.  When I was really hit with pain I took 4 over the counter as prescribed by my doctor, ask what the max amount is that you can take and see how you feel after a couple of days, if you're tracking towards the positive then you are good and will probably be ok, if you track worse then after a week or so get some xrays.

1 hour of ice is not what you want, do it all evening watching TV, stay off of it as much as you can.

Think positive and relax for now, we've seen this before.

RH/Biomet U/C Dr. Gross/Lee Webb


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Re: 9 weeks post op - Dr Mont
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2010, 04:32:15 PM »
Thanks Chuck.. I will ice it off and on the rest of the day until I go to bed tonight,, Doctor gave me RX for 800mg year ago but that was for pain in them,, Need to ask Jill Dr Mont's PA about dose,, I dont want to take too much as McMinn did tell me NOT TO years ago when I first started to look at this,, back then when I send him xrays he said it would cause femoral lesions he would have to clean or dig out at surgery..That lead me to beleive it could also cause them to come back and this componet fail,, I just dont know, I have only taken one today and may break one and take a small dose just to get me on by ,,, Also have Loritab 10 but nothing works like that celebrax or Ibu,, amazing,,   Oh I meant to tell everyone here that Mont Office says they do not like to mismatch componets,, if I had Cormet on right then Cormet on left.. does not want to use the new C+ ,,, what do you all think ?
« Last Edit: January 05, 2010, 04:34:04 PM by daddys_hip »
Dr. Mont Nov 4th 2009 Stryker Cormet,, R. Hip
Dr. Mont Jan 11th 2010 Stryker Accolate Revision R. Hip


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Re: 9 weeks post op - Dr Mont
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2010, 04:56:28 PM »
If one ibu gave you noticible difference in pain levels, and this is only a guess from me, but, I bet it's not something serious as I've read people who had major device issues where the pain would shoot up and down the legs and their backs and NOTHING would help them.

Good luck Steve, wish you well.

RH/Biomet U/C Dr. Gross/Lee Webb


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Re: 9 weeks post op - Dr Mont
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2010, 05:10:42 PM »
Thanks,, the 800 made the pain go away ,, it was gone,, now its coming back a little,, took 300 this time for the night,, will not take anymore now,,

Dr. Mont Nov 4th 2009 Stryker Cormet,, R. Hip
Dr. Mont Jan 11th 2010 Stryker Accolate Revision R. Hip

Pat Walter

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Re: 9 weeks post op - Dr Mont
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2010, 07:10:15 PM »
Hi Donna

Thanks for posting and joining Hip Talk.  If and when you get your THR, I would be happy to post your story under the Hip Resurfacing Problems section on the main website.  I always try to post stories of patients with problems so people realize the good and bad.  Fortunately, in most case, hip resurfacing is a good option and turns out well for most people.

I am very sorry to hear about your problems and had been following them on the Yahoo surfacehippy discussion group.  I don't think I have anyone on my Hip Talk Group promoting doctors from their own offices.  At least - I hope that is not happening.  I don't often suggest just one surgeon any more either - I try to suggest using the most expeirnced surgeons and let people decide.  Of course, your surgeon was among the most experinced.  I don't have a reason for what happened and have only read your postings.  It is a terrible ordeal and hopefully, no one else will go thru such an experince.

Again, I just wanted to make sure people realize there are several Surface Hippy websites and discussion groups.  My Surface Hippy Website is over 4 years old and the first full website which was not a discussion group as the Yahoo Health Group surfacehippy was.  Many of us post and read on both sites.

I will be happy to read your updates and to post your story when you have an ending.  Hopefully, an ending where you will be active and out of pain. That seems a long ways off right now - but I do hope you will get there.  I welcome your posts and input on my Hip Talk Discussion Group. 

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: 9 weeks post op - Dr Mont
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2010, 10:34:42 AM »
Hi Donna,

Where is your story located on Vicky Marlow's website?
Good point about using a skilled doctor (not just an experienced doctor).
One needs to review the complications for the surgeon, if available.
Some of the most experienced surgeons (worldwide) have provided this information.
I elected to receive the BHR, which is the most successful and the most experienced device since 1997 according to the data.
The goal is to maximize the chance for success, which is 99 + % for active, athletic people under age 55, for 10 years + of data, using the BHR device, installed by a skilled, experienced surgeon.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2010, 03:48:03 PM by stevel »
LBHR 60mm/54mm Dr Su 9/29/08 age 55
RBHR 60mm/54mm Dr Su 11/1/19 age 66
Age 71

Pat Walter

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Re: 9 weeks post op - Dr Mont
« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2010, 11:39:40 AM »
Hi Donna and Steve

I want to remind everyone that this website  Surface Hippy is now over 4 years old and now 1st on Google for Hip Resurfacing Search.  I have put my time - full time - for over 4 years into building this site with no pay.  I too am a patient advocate and wanted to help people to learn about hip resurfacing.  You are talking on my nickle when you post here and read here.  It is VERY expensive to operate and run a website like this.  As most people know, Vicky and I are friends and at one point she posted here.  Last year she decided to start her own website.  Neither of us have links to each other's websites posted.  I don't care that other people have websites about hip resurfacing, but want others to know how hard I work on this one.

I much prefer that Donna send me her story to post here instead of sending people to another website.  As I said, I have worked almost 5 years full time to help people and would like people to continue to give me the courtesy of posting their stories here when they use my site.  I don't mind people using other sites, but I work really hard on this one.  It was the first full WEBSITE about Hip Resurfacing for Patients.  The Yahoo Health Group surfacehippy was a discussion site sponsored by Yahoo that is free for people to use - it is not a stand alone website as mine is.  I have complete control over everything on my site and in turn HAVE TO PAY FOR EVERYTHING connected with the website.

I hope Donna will consider sending me her full story for me to post on the Hip Resurfacing Problems pages.  I am very happy to have both Donna and Steve posting here, but would like you to consider posting your stories here and not sending people to other websites when I have most of the same information posted and other information posted.

Thanks a lot.

Pat - Owner/Webmaster of Surface Hippy started on 12/11/05
« Last Edit: February 04, 2010, 11:40:23 AM by Pat Walter »
Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: 9 weeks post op - Dr Mont
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2010, 11:13:57 AM »
Wow sad to hear about your plight. I guess I better take heed with this info and take it easier as I recuperate. I'm three weeks out from my surgery and when I get done with my workouts and PT I have to ice. If I don't I can feel the hip start getting inflamed. I also have those days where it aches and just take one of my pain meds for it and it usually goes away.

Along with my hip, I also suffer from a major back injury and it hurts worse than my hip now. Before it was the hip pain I couldn't bear now it is my back.



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