I had a right BHR July 16th with Dr.Books at the Cleveland Clinic - everything has gone pretty well, no real problems to speak of. I do have some weakness in my upper quad that is especially noticable going up stairs - it is weak, and I have a moderate aching right in the middle of my quad. Dr.Brooks is very conservative in his rehab protocal from what I can tell reading about other peoples recoveries. I was not allowed to do straight leg raises for 6 weeks, and then at six weeks I was told to really not do them for a year. Also no squat machines, stairclimbers, anything that puts more of a direct pressure with resistence in the hip joint. They really recommended no weight on the legs at all until a year, then anything goes. For exericses they recommended walking, treadmill, bicycling, and elliptical. I asked about rowing (I have a machine) and they said no. My problem is that my left knee is very bad and I literally can't walk on a treadmill or use a bicycle for exericse, even walking for exercise is minimal because of my knee. Everything I like to do, or could do - rower, Nu-step,Cybex squats, etc. I am not allowed to do for a year. What have the rest of Dr.Brooks patients done for exercise and stretngtening during that first year? If this post goes better somehwere else, please feel free to move it - this section seems to get the most action so I thought I'd start here.