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Clunking & Slipping 12 Days Post Op
« on: August 16, 2008, 11:28:28 PM »
Hi Folks,

This is my first post. I had a RBHR on 8/4/2008. I'm 61 years young. It appears my recovery has been a lot easier than most. I went in on Monday 8/4 and was released on Wednesday 8/6. I have not had to use a walker, crutches or cane since I was released.

I was also concerned about the clunking, slipping I could feel in the joint. I asked my doctor about this & he said it was normal. I'm 12 days post op and it is almost all gone.
I was a little skepticle about my doctors response since I had read every post op story on this site and no one mentioned this.

I think the most logical reason for this clunking feeling is fluid in the joint area. If fluid gets trapped between the ball & socket you are going to get a hydrolic effect until the fluid is pushed out with weight bearing on your leg. I think as you heal you get less fluid in the joint area and the the ball and socket are seated most of the time.

I am not a medical doctor so please take this as mire speculation on my part.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2008, 08:37:17 AM by Pat Walter »

Pat Walter

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Re: Popping -Clicking in Hip
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2008, 08:34:54 AM »
Hi Fred

Welcome to Hip Talk.

I am glad to hear you are doing well post op.  Quite a few of us are lucky to have quick and easy recoveries.  Unfortunately, not everyone does - we just have to go with what our bodies demand from us.

Who was your doctor?  It is always nice to give your doctor credit for your great new hip and good recovery.  It helps other people learn about the good doctors.

There have been a lot of posts about the Clunking on other discussion groups, but you are right that not many people talk about it in their personal stories. I have an article by Dr. De Smet where he explainsthat  it is loose muscles.  They are not holding the two components together tightly after surgery.

I had a lot of clunking right after surgery.  It never hurt, but you would feel it more than hear it.  It is almost like a suction feeling of two tight parts pulling apart.  I had it for a long time and it gradully got better.  I am almost 2 1/2 years post op and will still feel it occasionally when I am sitting and shift my weight.  I was 61 and not in good physical shape since I had a bad hip for almost 10 years.  I think mine is due to many muscles being loose. 

I hope your recovery contiues to go well.

Are you a woodworker?  Interesting user name.

Best of luck.

« Last Edit: August 17, 2008, 08:38:28 AM by Pat Walter »
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Re: Clunking & Slipping 12 Days Post Op
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2008, 09:27:10 AM »
Hi Fred - I think you'll find that a lot of us have felt that clunking post-op, and that it's normal and that it diminishes over time as you regain muscle strength.
Good luck - Tom


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Re: Clunking & Slipping 12 Days Post Op
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2008, 12:52:19 PM »
Hi Fred,

Good recovery! my neighbour in hospital was a Fred, he was up and about same day and had his bag packed the following, but he was in his 80's and lived alone! Yes the clunking and slipping you have expereinced happened to me also. I am 4 weeks post-op now and its gone completely, you might also find that your thigh muscle feels "loose" sounds weird but I had this but as the muscle gets stronger that seems to go aswell.

Good luck and I wish you a speedy recovery.


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Re: Clunking & Slipping 12 Days Post Op
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2008, 09:33:24 AM »

You are superhuman with the speed of your recovery.Im 47 on day 14 from a right hip resurface and I have been in agony at home with all kinds of nerve pain in the back of the butt and thigh etc.When I see posts like yours it inspires me to stop the drugs and move thru the pain with rehab.Im contacting my DR to find answers to my nerve pain tomorrow.Good luck to you mate.


Pat Walter

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Re: Clunking & Slipping 12 Days Post Op
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2008, 11:42:44 AM »
Hi Brett

Again, I wanted to remind you that if you have pain, you should use your meds.  It is not the normal rule that you can just stop and "work thru the pain"   

If you are having pain, they need to be careful with rehab.  Pain means there is something wrong or not healed.

Please be cautious and don't let other people's stories inspire you to do something that might not be right for you.

I did not take heavy pain meds 2 1/2 days after surgery because I did not have heavy pain.  Advil did fine for me.  If I would have had pain, I would have used heavier meds.  I am not able to grit my teeth and work thru pain - I just did not have any like many people.  Others have a great deal of pain and keep on meds for weeks.  We are all different.

Good Luck.

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3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: Clunking & Slipping 12 Days Post Op
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2008, 12:04:58 PM »
I 2nd what Pat said Brett, please listen to her she is good people.... if you need the pain pills, take them.  Be smart and take the pain meds if you feel the pain is bad.

Everyone recovers at a different rate and a nerve issue might be the cause for your problem.  I myself am probably closer to the tortoise than I am the hare in my recovery but I am taking it one day at a time.  I know that some people 18 days post op are walking without a crutch but that does not bother me at all.  Always remember that turtles live longer.

Please post back so we know you are heading in the right direction.



You are superhuman with the speed of your recovery.Im 47 on day 14 from a right hip resurface and I have been in agony at home with all kinds of nerve pain in the back of the butt and thigh etc.When I see posts like yours it inspires me to stop the drugs and move thru the pain with rehab.Im contacting my DR to find answers to my nerve pain tomorrow.Good luck to you mate.

RH/Biomet U/C Dr. Gross/Lee Webb


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Re: Clunking & Slipping 12 Days Post Op
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2008, 10:22:21 AM »
Hi Fred,
I'm at 6 months out and still have occasional "slipping" - no pain, just a strange sensation.  When I visited my doctor last week, I tried to make the slip - surprisingly it did it.  He said it was most likely a tightness where the muscle was stitched up and the slipping sensation was from it being tighter than presurgery when it moves across the trocanter.  He wasn't concerned and said it should stretch out over time. 

Be patient with your recovery - and don't hesitate to use pain relief when you need it.  There is no need to be miserable when you can have relief.  You are still recovering for several months so go easy on yourself and your progress.  Everyone goes at different rates, but focus on your daily gains, no matter how small they may seem - it's all in the right direction!
Best of luck,
RBHR 2/14/08 Dr. Rogerson


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Re: Clunking & Slipping 12 Days Post Op
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2008, 01:11:10 AM »
Dear Fred: I am two weeks into my 2nd resurfacing, and 12 weeks into my first. I too have noticed that very strange "clunking, slipping" that you describe. My surgeon (James Pritchett, Seattle) has done hundreds and he says this is normal. Fine, but I agree that's it's an odd sensation, like a knuckle cracking without any sound. At first I was concerned, but a month ago (before my 2nd surgery) I went on a 5 day hunting trip during which I walked 4-5 hours a day, on relatively flat ground, and had no problems. I think it's just something we have to get used to. I much prefer it to the PAIN I used to have when grinding bone on bone, I'll say that!


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Re: Clunking & Slipping 12 Days Post Op
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2008, 11:41:39 PM »
Hey there Fred!!!
Congradulations on your new hip man!!!  Just remember, the hip capsule was "released" during the operation so your hip could be dislocated.  The regeneration of the hip capsule takes time, as well as the healing of all the muscles and soft tissues that support the magnificent and beautiful hip joint.  I remember being absolutely frightened the day afet I got home because of the "clunking" in my new hip while I walked with a walker.  It was explained to em after called the hospital and spoke with the physiotherapist who had worked with me post-op.  Still, it is a strange sensation, but I agree with Buddy about rather the clunking that the pain.  I'm at 5 months post-op now, and I still get clunking once in a while, especially when I'm in the pool.  The resistance of the water adds a dynamic effect and as a result - "clunk!"  I find it helps to know and understand the hip joint - so you can see what's really happening in your imagination.  You're right about the synovial fluid being in there.  The joint does not come apart as much as it feels like it does.  Its a truly fascinating experience.  Rock on man!  You're gonna be fine!

Big Bill

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Re: Clunking & Slipping 12 Days Post Op
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2008, 11:49:43 AM »
Big Bill here... I stretch alot b 4 any activity. I did b 4 and after my resurfacing. The 1st time I had a "slipping feeling".... it WILL make you stop and wonder what happened  :o . It still happens on occasion....no worries ....consider it a little reminder that you have a new lease on an active lifestyle.  Stay active and be cautious....remember how much you have accomplished to get to the point you are now !   

 Big Bill  C.A.S.H.   7/09/08    8)



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