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8 months post op - achy even after walking 1/4 mile. Help?
« on: January 27, 2010, 09:05:44 PM »
Nobody replied to my last thread, so I am going to try to make this shorter and simpler.  8 months post op - overall, done ok.....but hip still cracks/pops a little, is stiffer than I think it should be, and most recently, gets a deep ache even after walking just a 1/4 - 1/2 mile.  Is this still normalcy or do you think potentially there is something pinched or a component that has moved?  thanks a//.

left hip resurface 5/28/09
Conserve +

Pat Walter

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Re: 8 months post op - achy even after walking 1/4 mile. Help?
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2010, 09:12:51 PM »
Hi Mark

I am not a doctor or medically trained, but can tell you most people by 8 months post op should be able to walk many miles without problems.  I can't remember if you had a very diffiuclt hip problem before surgery since that sometimes will cause problems post op, but if you are more of a normal patient - I would be asking your surgeon what he thinks is wrong.

I was walking over a mile a day with one crutch at 10 days post op with no great pain or problems.  I was taking only Advil.  By 3 weeks - 4 weeks, was walking many miles a day with no crutch or problems.
Normally by 6 weeks, people should be able to walk without great pain.  Again, there are always some pre op problems that can cause a longer recovery, but in general at 8 months most people are out doing anything they want.

Again, I think you need to ask your surgeon what the problem could be and get some x-rays.  None of us are medically trained or are able to read your x-rays.  I think you deserve to have an answer to your questions of why you can't do anything you want without pain at this point.

Who did your resurfacing?

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3/15/06 LBHR De Smet


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Re: 8 months post op - achy even after walking 1/4 mile. Help?
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2010, 09:20:03 PM »
Maybe Pat saw something in your longer post that I am not aware of.

I think it's time to check with a PT to see if it's something muscle/tendon related.  Cracks and pops are not always device related.

If you have some really sharp pains that shoot down your leg IMHO you should get xrays ASAP, if it's just sore like deep muscle I would check into seeing a Pt, sometimes that is scar tissue that a massage therapist can work with too.   The fact that you can go a 1/2 miles tells me something.

Just a thought, as Pat and I almost never disagree whatsoever.


Nobody replied to my last thread, so I am going to try to make this shorter and simpler.  8 months post op - overall, done ok.....but hip still cracks/pops a little, is stiffer than I think it should be, and most recently, gets a deep ache even after walking just a 1/4 - 1/2 mile.  Is this still normalcy or do you think potentially there is something pinched or a component that has moved?  thanks a//.

left hip resurface 5/28/09
Conserve +
RH/Biomet U/C Dr. Gross/Lee Webb


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Re: 8 months post op - achy even after walking 1/4 mile. Help?
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2010, 10:05:32 PM »
thanks for the replies team.  Dr William Bose (Mobile, AL) did my surgery.  He is not publicized as much as Gros, the other Bose, McMinn, Amztutz etc, but he is a highly respected resurfacing doctor that trains other docs and it a consultant for Wright (Conserve +).  re Physical Therapy.......I have done this ad nauseum......I have always been very active, and I took the PT seriously, took the precautions seriously etc....did probably 24 - 2 hour PT Sessions and have continued stretching, cardio, non impact stuff, weights.

I did limp for a long time prior to surgery, and i have had post op issues with my hip flexor.  Additionally, it seems harder to walk now that it did at like 3 months post op because of this achiness.  Again, it's way better than it was, but I am trying to ascertain whether this is just a muscle set back or something potentially wrong with the device or structure.  I am a little worried as I thought I would been perfectly comfortable at 8 months.



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Re: 8 months post op - achy even after walking 1/4 mile. Help?
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2010, 10:11:20 PM »
What you have to figure out is, is the pain shooting when you walk often associated with those popping sounds?

Usually when it's device related the patient feels some sharp pains, not always but usually.

Maybe what Pat said is correct, x-rays won't hurt and surely they will make you feel better if all is well with the device.

RH/Biomet U/C Dr. Gross/Lee Webb


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Re: 8 months post op - achy even after walking 1/4 mile. Help?
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2010, 10:21:32 PM »
thanks Chuck......the answer is no.  No shooting pain and no pain really associated with pops.  It is kind of bizarre, but it is whtih abduction and certain range of motion movements.  I think it could be my IT band popping on the outer edge of my femur, but there is also a deep internal feeling.  it feels really stiff at times and my biggest concern right now is this deep joint ache after just walking a short distance.  weird.

Pat Walter

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Re: 8 months post op - achy even after walking 1/4 mile. Help?
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2010, 10:26:36 PM »

I would still go back to the doctor and have an x-ray and discuss your problems.  I would not rely on just a PT who can't look at your x-rays.  If you don't get an answer or the doctor doesn't seem to know - I would then get second and third opinions from the top resurfacing surgeons.  As you said, you are close to Dr. Gross and he has done almost 2000 resurfaicngs.  I doubt your surgeon has that experince.  You will need a more expeirnced surgeon that has done thousands to help you if you don't get the answers you need. 

I am not saying the cup is misplaced or there is a problem with the device - I have no way of knowing.  I am saying that I would personally want an answer as to why your are not pain free and able to walk easily.  I can see if you were doing some diffiuclt sports or activities that it might take longer to get back since you has such pre op problems, but just walking should not NORMALLY cause problems at this point.  Only the surgeon and x-rays can give you an answer.

Please stay in touch.  Good Luck.

Webmaster/Owner of Surface Hippy
3/15/06 LBHR De Smet



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