Give Star a call. I started with Star at 5-6 weeks post op. I did have a home PT, she helped me get rid of my limp, and had me doing ROM excercises, and walking 1-1.5 miles daily, she was not too concerned with strength building. At Star, I warm up on a stationary bike, then some hip abduction isometrics, with a theraband and a ball at the ankles. Supine bridging, and quadruped rocking. Hip Flexor Stretch on a rolling stoll, and stool rotations. There are some balance boards, side to side and front to back. A few machines and cables to help strengthen the hip as well. A lot of the exercises are different variations of what Dr Su has posted on his website. The best thing about the PT visits is Stash stretching my leg/hip. He literally pushes/stretches it to my limits, in a manner that I could not do on my own. I believe this has helped me to be able to get my shoes and socks on without the tears. Some hippies use no PT at all. I needed to, I had my surgery a year or more too late, and my lower body had tightened up so much, it was painful to walk or get up and down from chair/bed. I am better now at 17 weeks post op than I was a year pre-op. This morning I did squats, stiff leg dead lifts, lunges and calf raises, using extremely light weight, but am excited that it was all pain free. I think you will be fine to choose a reputable PT office. Good luck,
LBHR 12/31/09 Dr. Su