Certainly check with your surgeon, or your PT person. I am 10 week post op LBHR, and have existing lumbar spine issues. Some of my back pain went away after surgery and some returned after surgery. I continued walking, as this also a very good treatment for back pain and back issues, but the back pain seemed to increase. I continued my PT and walking even more and worked through the back pain and it went away, but thats just me. I noted that for me that initial back pain was improved after me indicating that the hip resurfacing improved conditions, but during rehab when my back pain increased I wasn't sure......but determined that my back was probably not strong enough. I contiued walking, and perhaps for you,... your PT person can offer massage for back and help target weak areas and help you strengthen those areas. As said by have been through major surgery and your body needs to heal and adjust....different stretching exercises for your back may help as well...go to your health experts, they will help.
Good luck, Jeff