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Daytona Dave

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« on: July 04, 2010, 04:20:53 PM »
 I just wondered if there are any skydiving hip resurfacing people out there. I had my right hip resurfaced in February 09. Perhaps looking back I was a bit hasty to get back jumping but I did my first skydive 9 weeks after the op. Ive done about 50 or so jumps since then.
I also cycle quite a bit and completed a 72 mile ride last month.
The wierd thing is though that I find I cannot run. After about 2 miles I have to stop because it becomes painfull. Then I suffer a little for the next day or so.

Anyway it would be nice to here from anyone who skydives or maybe thinking about doing it.


Pat Walter

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Re: Skydiving
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2010, 08:34:43 PM »

I think skydiving is the one thing that I have not heard any other hip resurfacing patient doing after reading posts for over 5 years.  I think it is a bit extreme and most don't want to chance it after getting a second chance at a new hip.

I am glad everything has worked well for you.  Sounds like you need some special PT to get your muscles working for your running.  I recently read about another runner that had to do quite a bit of extra special PT to get back to running without pain.  You can read his update towards the end of his story - might help you out  http://www.surfacehippy.info/michaelmontgomery.php

Who was your surgeon that released you to do skydiving at 9 weeks post op?  That was taking a big chance since it takes longer than that for complete bone ingrowth.  You have been very lucky to get thru it without any problems.  Glad everyhting worked for you.  I would not suggest that for any other hip resurfacing patients.  Skydiving is one thing most surgeons are not recomminding - new resurfacing patients should ask their surgeon for permission if they are thinking of doing extreme sports.  Revisions are not any fun - I have read about many and have quite a few stories posted.  Take it easy with those new hips.


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Re: Skydiving
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2010, 09:36:20 AM »
9 weeks is pretty quick to get back to any kind of serious physical activity. I would think the freefall wouldn't be that problematic, but the plane ride up, contortions in the door, and finally (and probably the most dangerous) opening shock. The harness wants to pull your hips out - until the muscle and soft tissue is completely healed - not a good thing.

That said George Bush (senior) has done a couple of tandems, and he's had double hip replacement iirc.


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Re: Skydiving
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2010, 12:51:24 PM »
I watched a video of George H.W. Bush (bi lateral THR) tandem skydiving or parachuting with a guide, and the guide absorbed the impact of the landing.
Mr. McMinn states in his latest video interview with Vicky Marlow, that some patients are bungee jumping with no problems and have sent him videos.
So he has now removed bungee jumping as one of the last restrictions for his patients.
LBHR 60mm/54mm Dr Su 9/29/08 age 55
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Re: Skydiving
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2010, 01:14:17 PM »
I watched a video of George H.W. Bush (bi lateral THR) tandem skydiving or parachuting with a guide, and the guide absorbed the impact of the landing.
Mr. McMinn states in his latest video interview with Vicky Marlow, that some patients are bungee jumping with no problems and have sent him videos.
So he has now removed bungee jumping as one of the last restrictions for his patients.

The Tandem master can absorb much of the landing shock - however, the opening shock is what I would be concerned with. Landing (if done correctly) is like stepping off a curb in reality.

Daytona Dave

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Re: Skydiving
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2010, 01:37:37 PM »
I must admit the 9 weeks was too soon with hindsight, some would say foolish. But hey thats skydivers for you lol. But all was well and I have no problems at all from skydiving these days.
You are quite correct about the opening part being the 'risky' bit if you want to call it that. But as stated GHW Bush and many many more hip replacements do tandems. This tells me that that part of the jump is safe to do then. The landing as stevel says is like stepping of a curb if done correctly. As for going up in the plane, its fine too, infact a lot more comfy than pre-op as on a busy lift its a bit tight for space in there.

My surgeon was Mr Mitchell from uk. He did not give me the go ahead at 9 weeks but was completely fine about skydiving once I was fully fit. I have to say I am very surprised some doctors are not recommending skydiving, as it cannot be as bad as some other sports such as running etc.

Having said that running is next on my list of things to return to, so thank you Pat for the link on this subject.

Thanks for all your comments guys. I would like to hear from any surgeons on their thoughts on the subject.

Best wishes



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