I concur with Pat. Although my surgery is only 11 days post op, my recovery is going extremely well. My incision is almost 12 inches and quite sightly, however I experience almost no pain what so ever. I walked this a.m. 2 miles, one crutch, with very little limp. I am focusing on training my body to walk upright and without a limp. The longer I walk the easier it is to keep form. I suppose after a half mile everything is warmed up and flowing well. I have taken no pain medication since coming home, the day after the surgery. The surgeon (Dr. Hickman SLC, Utah) has performed upwards of 700 procedures and has an impeccable record. The anesthesiologist who assisted was very good administering the medication and I contribute my recovery to them. Additionally, as mentioned in other posts, I have always kept in high physical condition and spent the 2 months prior to surgery trying to peak with strength and aerobic conditioning. Most days I spent 2 hours daily between strenght and aerobic conditioning. I expect some tough days ahead and hopefully will take them in stride, but 11 days in I wouldn't change a thing and in fact am enjoying the new challenges related to recovering. I can't wait to test three miles, then four, start biking again, and pushing towards a fantastic ski year. On yesterdays walk I actually started felling the old drive I used to have when I was running marathons. Keep in mind this is coming from someone who fought having the surgery for over a year. Rick