Hi Resurface,
Good to hear from you again. I've enjoyed reading your posts since last Spring. You probably don't remember, but you answered one of my posts on whether or not there was one particular device that would work best for runners, as well as a particular approach, such as such as posterior or anterior. At the time I was still in a little bit of shock about having to have a resurface and I was afraid I might never run again.
That started me reading everything I could find on devices, surgeons, approaches, etc. I emailed back and forth with Pat Walters and Vicky Marlow (among others). The best advice out there seemed to collectively say (with a few notable exceptions) to go with the BHR, posterior approach, gluteus maximus tendon reattached, and the most experienced surgeon with the lowest infection and revision rates.
I paid particular attention to the issue of posterior vs. antero lateral approach, because there is a surgeon close to me that met all my criteria (and he was covered by my insurance to boot) but used the antero lateral approach. I tried to discuss my concerns with his PA, but I could not get a straight answer on how many of that particular surgeon's patients ended up with a limp. He kept saying that most patients had some type of limp after surgery, but that it eventually went away for most patients. When I asked how many patients had the limp remain, he seemed to me to get a little evasive. After a similar conversation with another surgeon's office, I decided to concentrate on surgeons who used the posterior approach.
Once again, I encourage anyone who is interested in hearing more on the subject of anterior vs. posterior approaches to a hip resurface, to watch the videos Pat referenced above, or to read the transcripts.
Sorry Resurface. Not the hard data you are asking for, just my opinion.
By the way, in that post you sent me last Spring, you recommended that I take care of my knee before I had my hip resurfaced. I replied that the MRI was negative on my knee. Well, come to find out, the knee specialist misread the MRI and x-rays. I do have some cartilage damage in my knee. The surgeon completely missed it. So now I have a hip resurface scheduled for Dec 8 and I'm scrambling to find a new doc to look at my knee and tell me what can be done and if I should cancel the hip resurface and take care of the knee first.
Does anyone out there know a good knee doc in Cincy?