How do you know when it is time to get the surgery done?[/u]
When you find yourself asking questions on a hip resurfacing website it might be time....
Haha just pointing out the obvious.
My hip pain was in my hip, not sure how your knee pain can be from your hip, but hey I'm a poolman not a doctor, might be worth a 2nd opinion......
Heres some thoughts that went through my head before I went ahead, hope it helps and Good Luck !
Are there things you can't do because of your hip ?
Do you think about it every day and night to the point that your life revolves around your hip ?
Are you doing further damage by putting it off ? (Ask your doc)
Are you taking pain meds for it ?
Do you find yourself getting grumpy because you are in constant pain ?
Is it interupting your sleep at night ?
Can you afford it ?
Can you afford the time off work ?
Are you throwing your back, opposite hip and or knees out of whack by compensating for your hip pain ?
Does your Dr. recommend it ?
Are you in less than perfect physical condition because you can't exercise like you would like ?
Do you sit crooked in chairs because of it ?
Do you adjust your car seat 57 times every time you drive and still never get comfortable ?
Are you sick of it enough to go through major surgery to have your "regular" life back ?
These are some of the questions I pondered for almost 8 years before pulling the trigger. Me personally I wish I wouldn't have waited so long
before getting it done, but you gotta decide for yourself, I don't know how miserable you are yet
Good Luck !