First, I hope everyone will respect my decision. I know this is a resurfacing website, but thought it might be helpful to other people trying to make this decision to read about my experience. I have read and researched incessantly on the topic of resurfacing vs. replacement, and feel it is possibly the most important decision of my life. I met with Dr. James Pritchett in Seattle in July '10, and again for a follow up a month or two later, to discuss the subject. Trying to keep this short, in a nutshell, I thought he was great. I was convinced that he was totally on top of the latest data and research, pretty much on a week to week basis. I had originally sought him out because of his stature and experience re: hip resurfacing, but here is what stuck with me. (First, I guess it should be said, that I am a rather small female, age 59, but very active and athletic and in great shape). He said that they "have the best results" with resurfacing with a component size of 48 and above, and he estimated me at being a 40-44. He did not dissuade me from resurfacing, or say he wouldn't do it, but presented the pros and cons of resurfacing vs. a large ball total hip replacement. He said he had done upwards of 2,000 resurfacings, and that the decision was up to me. I thrashed around for several days before I came to my decision.
To give you an idea of what went into my thinking... even though I am a 59 year old female, and small in stature, I also happen to be a total karate fanatic. I trained in my current school when I was young (late 20's/early 30's), and at that time attained the level of 1st degree black belt. Somehow I ended up (I won't go into it now) back into the school 5 years ago, and have attained the level of 1st brown belt (I had to start over). I need to train, and attain my black belt, hopefully a year from March. What I got from Pritchett was that w/resurfacing, any problems would most likely show up after some months to 2 years later. It would just do me in to go through 2 surgeries (I need both sides done) and think everything was OK, then have to go back and revise it. I feel that for me, the large ball MOM standard hip replacement would give me the best chance of getting on with my life and continueing my training without any further complications. But... I realize it's all a crap shoot. Still, I trust Dr. Pritchett and there's no one else I'd rather go with. More later...