Hi Welcome to Hip Talk
I will give you a group of articles to read about incision size. I will tell you this that the size of the incision has no bearing on the rate of recovery. My doctor, Dr. De Smet of Belgium, uses a large incision so he can get in and get out as quickly as possible. It also allows him to work easily without disturbing anything in the area that should not be disturbed. He does one hip in about 45 mintues. He says the less time you are under anasthesia, the quicker your recovery since it is easier on your body. He has done over 3000 hip resurfacings.
Some doctors us the MIS type incision like Dr. Bose. He is able to do the complete surgery thru the smaller incision, but it takes much longer.
Here are articles by doctors that explain the variations:
This page has several articles
http://www.surfacehippy.info/surgicalapproaches.phphttp://www.surfacehippy.info/faqincisionlength.phphttp://www.surfacehippy.info/faqmis.phpThat should get you going. My advice after having a BHR and reading and studying for over 3 years is to select the experienced surgeon you trust - then let them decide what type of incision is best and what type of hip device is best. The surgeon selection is the most important factor - they have the experience. Reading and study is great so you know what to expect - but if you are not a surgeon, you can't understand things like they can.
Good Luck.