

Author Topic: If anyone has had the Corin Mini Hip installed please write, thank you so much!!  (Read 8175 times)

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Dear Hip issue people

I am a crocked athlete with Osteo arthritis in both hips, lower level in the right, somewhat higher in the left. Right now I have a choice between the BHR and the Corin Mini-Hip

I am hearing from folks who have had the BHR installed and they are happy with it but I need to hear from someone who has had the Corin Mini Hip done?

Can someone with that knowledge please chime in. That feedback would be most appreciated

Thank you so much.




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Gunner I think sal a lady on here had a mini hip implanted by Richard Vila here in the uk. I can't remember here name but think its spanial sal or similar. She has a resurfacing(not a bhr) and a mini bipod memory serves correctly.
Hope this helps Danny
Train hard fight easy
LBHR 10/11/2011 Mr Ronan Treacy Birmingham England
60mm cup 54mm head
Rbhr 54mm head 60mm cup 12/02/15 Ronan Treacy ROH Birmingham England

Marco Polo

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Gunner- Danny is correct.  There is a person on this board who had a Cormet HR and a Corin Mini Hip.  Her screen name is Spanielsal.  Perhaps you could send her a PM and get her feedback.
Marco, RBHR, Della Valle, 3/29/13


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Danny WOLF and Marco Polo

Thanks a lot for identifying this person for me I will try to track her down right away. Corin Mini Hip is new, coming more popular about 2010 or 2011 or so roughly speaking. So I think they will be harder to find than BHR folks.

Likely many of you guys here were not offered the choice between the two anyway so that made your research and decisionmaking easier in some ways!

Dr Synder who offered me this choice is a known advocate of BHR and has been doing those for about 10 years. My conversation with him was open and frank and the feeling I left with is that he is shifting over to Corin Mini Hip. If I am correct in that assertion I need to know why exactly before I decide on anything.
I suspect that both devices are pretty good, and he said to me himself that  the CMH will get me back running as well.

Coming on here and doing my own research I already can confirm that the BHR will get me back onto the running track too.
So now my research has to focus on the finite details of each device before I opt for one over the other.
Thank you guys a lot for your contributions. Very helpful, I will look for this person and try to connect with her.


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Gunner I'm pretty sure that Dr Snyder isn't the advocate of resurfacing that he claims. I have seen threads by a fair number of patients mainly on the yahoo site(was Vicky Marlows site I think RiP Vicky) that have had serious problems with this surgeon.

Honestly go and see Dr Su if you can. Also is Snyder using the BHR or the Corin resurfacing? As they are not the same thing.
Train hard fight easy
LBHR 10/11/2011 Mr Ronan Treacy Birmingham England
60mm cup 54mm head
Rbhr 54mm head 60mm cup 12/02/15 Ronan Treacy ROH Birmingham England


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Well DannyWL if Dr Synder is 'not' and advocate of BHR as you suggest! Then he has hidden it well because he has done THOUSANDS of those and started doing them in 2003 to 2005 era I believe and from what I have found out? So if he has not advocated for BHR then I would find the reason why both curious and slightly strange to be honest wouldn't you?

When I met him he explained to me that he was originally trained on it in Birmingham England and it was after that that he got started on using it in surgery?

Dr Synder uses the Birmingham Hip Resurfacing device BHR, and the Corin Mini Hip. In my meeting he brought out both devices and let me look at both.

BOTH will put me back on the running track according to him!

Doctor Su has been mentioned a few times and I will definitely get in touch with him.

Thank you again for your contributions



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Do some more research mate. I find it strange how he seems to push this thr on patients who are candidates for a resurfacing. To me that doesn't make him an advocate. I was once in your position and I was very lucky with a piece of advice given to me by a surgeon. He said you want the device with the longest track record and best stats. The bhr has been around for nearly 17 years and has more data than any other device. The mini hip is only a few years old so in orthopaedic terms is a new born. Remember that things move very very slowly in orthopaedics.
One of the things that everyone on here always tell new potential patients is to get several opinions. I personally got them from Bose, Gross, De Smet, Treacy and a local orthopedic. There are plenty Other highly experienced surgeons not too far from you Su being one of them. Also most of the surgeons I mentioned will do a consultation via email for free that's what I did.

Train hard fight easy
LBHR 10/11/2011 Mr Ronan Treacy Birmingham England
60mm cup 54mm head
Rbhr 54mm head 60mm cup 12/02/15 Ronan Treacy ROH Birmingham England


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I think the mini-hip is an interesting option.

You can do a search for dbhearts on this site and talk to him.


Day also has a website where you can follow his progress with two mini-hips from Snyder. By the way, he tells he does do light trotting, but is not into runing more than that.


Personally, it only makes sense to go for a couple of BHRs first, if you can. Mini-Hip might be a great option should a resurfacing require revision someday.


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Thanks DannyWL
Dr Su over electronic mail is an even better option, the idea of traveling long distances is not so difficult to handle considering the potential implications but it takes an awful lot of coordination. I am going to work on that but please give me time to get it together, you understand it is a lot of work.
You got 4 opinions, I am on my third, opinion number one recommended THR then I went for opinion number 2 who offered me this choice. Opinion number 3 is the Regen option. So far I like opinion number 2 best but. Again, allow me more time to get even more opinions! I need to develop what is behind this choice and why! Please allow me more time. Thanks! Dr Su is on my list! I am clear on that! But again, more time!

As regards what Dr Synder advocates or does not advocate I cannot speak further on. I only know what I have found so far, and what I heard when I met him personally. He is one opinion only, I am aware of that!

Most patients are very well aware that long track records and history are of course the best routes to follow, on that I am totally clear.

However please be open minded on the fact that someone had to take a risk 17 years ago on the BHR too!! And they had to put long track records aside to do it!
That is not something I want to willingly but, as I do more research I may have to reluctantly revisit that. So understand that I am clear on that as well as you are!!

Thank you for mentioning Dr Su again.


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Yes Canadian-Ice

I have already visited that site and it is informative, I appreciate it.

I appreciate you opinion on BHR as a first option then revisit later if need with CMH!

Thank you



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One thing to consider is whether the bone conserved by resurfacing is important or not. Acetabular bone may be  more crucial and not really preserved by resurfacing thus bone stock for revision from resurfacing should it ever be required may not be advantageous over bone stock following a mini hip or other THR. I don't know. Would be good to hear what everyone thinks.


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The online consultation is far far easier your right. I was very very lucky to have Mr Treacy do my op free on our NHS. Dr Bose was my back up plan however as he's one of the best and said of paid out if pocket the cheapest! That was due to a helpful exchange rate however. If you have your X-rays I'd suggest sending them to all of those docs and see what they say.

Canadian-ice I think the actabular bone resection thing has been looked at and I'm sure has been discussed on here before. From memory it was still favorable in the resurfacing Column(but could be wrong).

There is Dr Schmitt in illanios too he's very experienced. Not sure weather he does online consults though?

Let us know how you get on mate.
Train hard fight easy
LBHR 10/11/2011 Mr Ronan Treacy Birmingham England
60mm cup 54mm head
Rbhr 54mm head 60mm cup 12/02/15 Ronan Treacy ROH Birmingham England


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btw way Danny, how is your running and mma going?


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Canadian-ice training is going ok. The hip is holding up great. I'm mainly doing judo and bjj at the moment. The main limiting factor is time I work 60+ hrs a week so time is a premium! I'm not running as yet as I still weigh 90kg and would like to loose at least another 5kg before I start running. Problem being due to my hours it's very difficult loosing weight. >:(
Train hard fight easy
LBHR 10/11/2011 Mr Ronan Treacy Birmingham England
60mm cup 54mm head
Rbhr 54mm head 60mm cup 12/02/15 Ronan Treacy ROH Birmingham England


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Funny how when you can't do something, you spend so much timing thinking of what you want to do, but when you can, life gets in the way. That's what I've found, anyway, with this hip thing. Happiness is a good workout. 


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Training is an addiction for me I have to do it. It just P##### me off that due to my hours I can't do what I should be able to.  >:(
Train hard fight easy
LBHR 10/11/2011 Mr Ronan Treacy Birmingham England
60mm cup 54mm head
Rbhr 54mm head 60mm cup 12/02/15 Ronan Treacy ROH Birmingham England


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Dear Gunners
Is the Corin mini-hip double heated treated like the Corin Cormet 2000 resurfacing implant?  A strong representation was made against licensing this implant in 2007 as the ASR is also heated treated.  There are details on McMinns website.  Leigh Day Solicitors in England have a Corin Cormet Action Group with over 55 people in it.  They have advised me that surgeons have stopped using this implant as it exceeds the annual failure threshold, but has not been withdrawn for obvious reasons.  Gross's website also shows it had the highest failure rate of the 3 implants he used.
Suggest that long term results need to be checked. 
Best wishes


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Hopper the mini hip can use several bearing couples I would have thought the most common would be ceramic on x linked poly and ceramic ceramic.
Train hard fight easy
LBHR 10/11/2011 Mr Ronan Treacy Birmingham England
60mm cup 54mm head
Rbhr 54mm head 60mm cup 12/02/15 Ronan Treacy ROH Birmingham England


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Gunners, my brother in law has a mini hip that was put in by Dr. Snyder. He has had it for a year and a half or so, and is happy with it.

He was one of my first martial arts instructors, but at this point (having been out of it for a while), he doesn't plan to return to it. He is active physically (mostly working out in a gym), and has been fine with that.

He's had no problem with his work as a lawyer, which requires him to be on his feet a fair amount.

Like has been mentioned, the mini hip is a good solution for the right situation, I guess to me the thing to do is to make sure it's the right thing for you.
Hernan, LHR 8/24/2010, RHR 11/29/2010 - Cormet, Dr. Snyder


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Hi Gunners, thank you for your message. Yes I do have the Mini Hip and am totally happy with it. I have better range of motion and had a speedier recovery with it than I had with my resurfacing but I didn't push the resurfacing recovery very hard as I didn't know that it could let me... I hadn't found this site back then! I haven't pushed too hard on my mini hip either, just swimming and walking but I often forget that I've had hips done, I feel normal. Not sure I'd run on it, Mr Villar advised against running if I wanted longevity from my prosthesis which is my aim - I do NOT want to go back there if I can help it.

I got your email when on route to the Army Navy rugby in Twickenham, a journey that was unthinkable 12 months ago (7hrs in the car!) running up steps, leaping to feet and walking miles on concrete to find seats and car.  Really, really happy with my outcome. Living life in the absence of pain. To me that is success - I'm not a runner (far too undignified - I trip over my feet, things jiggle about too much and it's never been my forte anyway) so the guidance I got was fine by me. There were no "restrictions" written specifically.

Any questions please do come back to me, Gunners.  Hope all you other hippies are well out there, ps it's Anna's 30th birthday today if anyone is reading!
I'm a Hippy Hybrid!  L HR Cormet 2000 - Mr Villar, 12th June 2003 and R Corin mini hip - Mr Villar 7th August 2012



Dr. Pritchett Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 10,000 hip resurfacings

Dr. Mont Hip Resurfacing Surgeon Baltimore MD

Dr. Gross of SC Hip Resurfacing Surgeon with over 6000 hip resurfacings

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