Hi DeAnn
Yes you can miss the window of opportunity to have a hip resurfacing. If you get too many large, deep cysts or your femur bone just becomes too soft, you can't have a hip resurfacing.
The best advice is to get some input from some really experienced surgeons. They can tell from your x-ray how far your hip has deteriorated. I will tell you that the really experienced surgeons will never do a hip before they think it should be done. They don't have to make up cases to make money. They are very, very busy.
You are very young and certainly should consider a hip resurfacing if possible. I have Willam Starretts video posted here, his is the 4th video
http://www.surfacehippy.info/shvideos/videosathletes.php He was older and was not able to return to ballet. He mostly teaches from what I saw in the video. He worked very hard to get back to being able to dance, but not at the level when he was younger.
Since you are younger, you may be able to return to what you love. I am sure it will take a lot of work, but many people have return to difficult sports. You need to use a really, really expreinced surgeon if you expect to return to dancing.
I would suggest several in the US like Dr. Su - 500 resurfacs, Dr. Gross - 1300 resurfs and Dr. Clarke - 550 resurfs. If it were me and I was really serious about returning to ballet, I would be heading for the reallly expereinced surgeons like Dr. Bose of India - 1100 resurfs, Dr. De SMet of Belgium - 1300 resurfs or McMinn or Treacy - over 4000 resurfs.
I used Dr. De Smet because he does very difficult cases. Normally, people using the overseas doctors seem to have quicker and easier recoveries than people using the newer doctors in the US. Just an observaiton from reading hundreds of stories and experiencing resurfacing with 8 others in Belgium 2 years ago.
I would find out where your hips are so you can make a good decision.
You need to ask the doctors every question you have - don't leave anything out. If you dont like their answers - find surgeons with experience that are willing to work with you.
Keep in touch.